Dissatisfaction among Track Maintainers on Indian Railways due to lack of adequate career advancement opportunities – PNM/NFIR Item No. 04/2017

Dissatisfaction among Track Maintainers on Indian Railways due to lack of adequate career advancement opportunities – PNM/NFIR Item No. 04/2017: Railway Board Order dated 18.09.2023
भारत के महासर्वेक्षक GOVERNMENT OF INDIA
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD )
Rail Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 001, dated : 18.09.2023
The General Secretary,
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi — 110 055.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Record Note of Discussions held by Member(Infra) with Federation(NFIR) on 13.07.2023 on PNM/NFIR Item No. 04/2017 regarding dissatisfaction among Track Maintainers on Indian Railways due to lack of adequate career advancement opportunities.
Record Note of Discussions held on 13.07.2023 on the subject mentioned above is sent herewith for information and necessary action please.
Yours faithfully,
(Hem Chander)
Joint Director, Estt.(IR)
D.A.: As above.
Record Note of Discussions held by Member(Infra) with Federation (NFIR) on 13.07.2023 on PNM/NFIR Item No. 4/2017 regarding Dissatisfaction among Track Maintainers on Indian Railways due to lack of adequate career advancement
The following officers and representatives of Federation (NFIR) attended the meeting:-
Official Side | Federation (NFIR) |
Federation stated that there is wide spread dissatisfaction among Track Maintainers on Indian Railways due to lack of adequate career advancement opportunities. This category has been historically discriminated against vis-a-vis other categories viz. Signal Maintainers in S&T cadre. While in every Department, there is level of 4200 GP available but in this cadre only there is no such post available. Equal opportunity should be provided when qualifications are same. The Track Maintainers should be given opportunity to get promoted to GP 4200
Official Side stated that the existing pay structure of Track Maintainers is adequate and any change will affect the command structure of their working. The supervisors are required to maintain an effective command control. The Track Maintainers have option to switch to Artisan category after passing prescribed departmental exam. This issue has already been examined in past on demand from NFIR and a reply sent to Federation in January, 2023.
Federation however not agreed to the view taken by official side and requested to realistically examine the issue. Federation also suggested that a separate meeting be organized at the level of CRB, Member(Infra).
Source: Indian Railways