Discontinuation of printing of reservation charts: Railway Board

Discontinuation of printing of reservation charts: Railway Board

Discontinuation of printing of reservation charts: Railway Board Order dated 15.06.2023

RAILWAY BOARD (रेलवे बोर्ड)

No.2023/TG-I/20/P/PRS Ticket(e-file)

New Delhi, dated 15.06.2023

Principal Chief Commercial Managers,
All Zonal Railways.

Sub: Discontinuation of printing of reservation charts.

Ref: Letter no. 1-RTA/O/Policy/Charting/07 dated 30.05.2023

Pasting of reservation charts on reserved coaches of trains was discontinued as per instructions issued vide Commercial Circular no. 44 of 2018. Further, zonal Railways were also advised to stop displaying physical reservation charts at those platforms where electronic charts were being displayed.

2. Recently, a reference has been received from one of the Zonal Railways advising that with the proliferation of Hand Held Terminals (HHT), the utility of printing reservation charts has reduced drastically. It has, therefore, been suggested that the activity of printing reservation charts may be dispensed with barring few exceptions.

3. The matter has been examined in this office and it has been decided as under:-

i. At those locations where HHTs have been provided, zonal Railways shall be competent to take a decision regarding necessity of printing of first reservation charts to be provided to onboard ticket checking staff.

ii. Zonal Railways may continue to print second reservation charts, if necessary.

iii. Further, in case printing is deemed necessary the Railways should also examine the feasibility of printing only single copy of reservation chart and the record copy to be saved in digital form.

Necessary instructions may be issued to all concerned accordingly.

(Sanjay Manocha)
Director Passenger Marketing-II
Ph. No.:011-23047367
Email id: manocha.421sanjay@gov.in
4th Floor, Room No: 415-A
Railway Board

Source: Indian Railways

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