Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) posts: Railway Board

Procedure for Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) posts: Railway Board Order dated 13.12.2021
RBE No. 91/2021
No. E (NG)II/2021/RR-1/61
New Delhi, Dated: 13.12.2021
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units
Chairpersons/Railway Recruitment Cells.
(As per standard mailing list).
Sub: Direct recruitment from open market in Level-1 (7th CPC pay matrix) posts – Procedure reg.
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 20.03.2019 (RBE No.54/2019).
Procedure for conducting Document Verification (DV)/Medical Examination (ME) of candidates who have qualified Computer Based Test (CBT) and Physical Efficient Test (PET) in Level-1 recruitment has been reviewed by the Board. In modification to the instructions contained in RBE No.54/2019, it has now been decided that the number of candidates to be called for DV shall henceforth be equal to the number of notified vacancies (i.e. in the ratio of 1:1).
2. The above guidelines shall be applicable to future recruitment notifications including Centralized Employment Notice No. RRC-01/2019 issued by Railway Recruitment Boards.
Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board