Digitalization of TTE Lobbies: Railway Board

Digitalization of TTE Lobbies: Railway Board Order 2022/VSS/SWR/GL/01 dated 23.06.2022
New Delhi, dated 23.06.2022
The General Manager (Vigilance)
All Zonal Railways
Sub: Digitalization of TTE Lobbies
All Zonal Railways are requested to furnish data in the format given below latest by 10th July 2022:
S.N. | Query | Remarks |
1 | Total number of stations/interchange points where signing-on/signing-off by TTE is available | |
2 | No. of stations/interchange points where computerized TTE lobby has been set up. | |
3 | No. of stations/interchange points where only computerized system of signing-on/signing-off in practice | |
4 | No. of stations where only manual system of signing-on/signing off is in practice | |
5 | No. of stations where both computerized/manual system of signing-on/signing-off is available.
Mention no. of cases :- a. No. of TTEs signing-on/ signing-off in computerized system lobby wise. |
6 | Lobby wise percentage of staff doing sign-on/sign-off in the computerized system (month wise).a. April 2022 b. May 2022 c. June 2022 |
7 | No. of stations where computerized TTE lobby is non functional and reasons thereof. | |
8 | Defective period :-a. more than 6 months b. more than 3 months. c. more than 1 month. |
9 | Which options of E-lobby application are not functional in the system and remedial measures taken thereof | |
10 | Whether one Asst. Scale officer has been nominated in each division for monitoring implementation of computerized TTE lobby as per instruction issued by Railway Board vide letter no. TC II/2003/10/TTE lobby dated 12.03.2020 | |
11 | Any other remark with respect to Digitization of TTE lobbies. |
This may please be treated as most URGENT
(Madhusmita Patra)
Director Vigilance (Traffic)
Railway Board.