Digitalization of TTE Lobbies: Railway Board

Digitalization of TTE Lobbies: Railway Board

Digitalization of TTE Lobbies: Railway Board Order 2022/VSS/SWR/GL/01 dated 23.06.2022




New Delhi, dated 23.06.2022

The General Manager (Vigilance)
All Zonal Railways

Sub: Digitalization of TTE Lobbies

All Zonal Railways are requested to furnish data in the format given below latest by 10th July 2022:

S.N. Query Remarks
1 Total number of stations/interchange points where signing-on/signing-off by TTE is available
2 No. of stations/interchange points where computerized TTE lobby has been set up.
3 No. of stations/interchange points where only computerized system of signing-on/signing-off in practice
4 No. of stations where only manual system of signing-on/signing off is in practice
5 No. of stations where both computerized/manual system of signing-on/signing-off is available.

Mention no. of cases :-

a. No. of TTEs signing-on/ signing-off in computerized system lobby wise.
b. No. of TTEs signing-on/ signing-off manually lobby wise.

6 Lobby wise percentage of staff doing sign-on/sign-off in the computerized system (month wise).a. April 2022
b. May 2022
c. June 2022
7 No. of stations where computerized TTE lobby is non functional and reasons thereof.
8 Defective period :-a. more than 6 months
b. more than 3 months.
c. more than 1 month.
9 Which options of E-lobby application are not functional in the system and remedial measures taken thereof
10 Whether one Asst. Scale officer has been nominated in each division for monitoring implementation of computerized TTE lobby as per instruction issued by Railway Board vide letter no. TC II/2003/10/TTE lobby dated 12.03.2020
11 Any other remark with respect to Digitization of TTE lobbies.

This may please be treated as most URGENT

(Madhusmita Patra)
Director Vigilance (Traffic)
Railway Board.

Click here to view/download the pdf

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