Deployment of female ALP/LP and other female staff during advanced stage of pregnancy: Railway Board

Deployment of female ALP/LP and other female staff during advanced stage of pregnancy: Railway Board Order RBE No. 67/2024 dated 25.07.2024
RBE No.67/2024
रेलवे बोर्ड/(RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)I/2024/TR/15
New Delhi, Dated : 25.07.2024
The General Manager (P)
All Zonal Railways/PUs
Sub: Deployment of female ALP/LP and other female staff during advanced stage of pregnancy.
Ref: PNM/AIRF Agenda Item No. 12/2024.
The issue raised vide PNM/AIRF agenda Item No. 12/2024 has been examined in Board’s office. It is observed that several provisions of leave are already provided in rules for pregnant female employees which can be availed by expectant female employees. It is imperative that the benefit of these provisions are availed by the beneficiaries.
Zonal Railways are therefore advised to be considerate in sanctioning leave on request of pregnant female employees. It is also advised that special recommendations of railway medical practitioner, if any, in cases of individual pregnant female employees are heeded.
(Sanjay Kumar)
Dy. Director Estt (N)
Railway Board
Ph. No. – 011-23303658
E mail Id- [email protected]
Source: Indian Railways