Demands of the Railwaymen- Discussion with Railway Minister in the meeting held on 11.10.2020

Demands of the Railwaymen – Productivity Linked Bonus, Premature retirement, NDA, Replacement of GP 1800/- with 1900 & GP 4600/- with 4800 etc. discussed with Railway Minister in the meeting held on October 11, 2020
All India Railway Men’s Federation
Dated: October 11, 2020
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the meeting held today with Hon’ble MR and Chairman and CEO of the Railway Board on the long pending genuine demands of the Railwaymen for more than three hours
The issues attached herewith have been discussed at length, and the CEO/MR has given positive response in many of the cases, including PLB to Railwaymen.
Details of the discussions will be sent to you shortly.
Comradely yours,
(Shiv Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
1. Promotion of staff from GP 1800/- to GP 1900 – Replacement of GP 1800/- with GP 1900.
2. Replacement of GP 4600/- with GP 4800/- (although Railway Ministry agreed, no orders issued till date).
3. Withdrawal of closure decision of five Railway Printing Presses.
4. Payment of PLB (for the year 2019-2020) to Railwaymen.
5. Implementation of accepted recommendations of 7th CPC in the case of following categories of Railway Staff:-
• OT Assistants of Medical Department in Railways.
• Harmonization of the cadre of Laboratory Superintendent of Medical Department in Railways.
• SSO (Accounts) in Railways.
6. Absorption of Course Completed Act Apprentices.
7. Allotment of GP 4600/Pay Level-7 to Loco Pilot (Mail/Express) in Railways.
8. Absorption of Quasi Administrative Units Staff in Railways in GP 1800/Pay Level-1 vacancies.
9. Upgradation of staff of S&T Cadre in Railways.
10. Career growth of Pointsman Category – Decision on EDs Committee Report after due consultation with the Federations.
11. Proposed new Scheme “SALUTE” – needs modification/improvement in consultation with the Federations.
12. Decision to surrender posts, particularly 50% non-safety posts –review RBE No. 48/2020 dated 2nd July, 2020 & ensure consultations.
13. Appointment of wards of safety staff who have been found medically fit prior to 27/10/2017 under LARSGESS – Bombay Division of Western Railway and Bhusawal Division of Central Railway have not yet issued appointment orders despite Railway Board’s instructions.
14. Provision of adequate funds to the Railways for ensuring payment of various incentives and allowances – abnormal delay has been causing agony and frustration among Railway Staff.
15. Covid-19:- Removal of ceiling of maximum 30 days special casual leave and restoration of quarantine leave in Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol. I for Railway Staff. Extension to retain Railway accommodation till 31st March, 2021.
16. Decision for premature retirement of Railway Staff on attaining 50/55 years of age or completion of 30 years of service in Railways should be rescinded.
17. Curtailing 10% posts from DR quota to be filled through LDCE –making it open to all.
18. Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2017/20.09/2020 (RBE No.83/2020), regarding Night Duty Allowance, needs to be reviewed and recoveries should be stopped immediately. Matter should be discussed immediately with the Federations, as the railway employees perform unique nature of duties (during 22-06 hours).
Source: AIRF