Decentralization of process for filing up of unfiled Promotion Quota Vacancies through GDCE Scheme: Railway Board

Decentralization of process for filing up of unfiled Promotion Quota Vacancies through GDCE Scheme: Railway Board Order dated 30.07.2024
(रेलवे बोर्ड RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(NG)/2024/PM1/06
New Delhi, dated 30.07.2024
The General Manager (P),
South East Central Railway,
Sub: Decentralization of process for filing up of unfiled Promotion Quota Vacancies through GDCE Scheme.
Ref: i) SECR’s letters no. P-HQ/RUL/105/05/E118009/IB90/ dated15.04.2024 & 09.07.2024.
ii) Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/2024/PM7/1e(3454474) dated 08.04.2024 (RBE No/. 32/2024)
Please connect your above referred letter on the above subject. The matter has been examined and the reply to your quarries is as under:-
Query of SECR | Board’s remarks | |
1 | Decentralize the process for filling up of unfilled PQ vacancies through GDCE scheme, duly delegating the process to Divisions, for all categories. | Vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)I/ 2024/ PM7/ 1 e (3454474) dated 08.04.2024 (RBE No. 32/2024), dispensation has been granted to the divisions. |
2 | Boards letter dated 16.01.2024, stipulates that, Computer Based Test (CBT) for all selections to Non-Gazetted posts to be centralized at the level of Zonal Railway, duly adopting common selection calendar. Therefore, procedure for centralized CBT may also be adopted for selection under GDCE scheme | It is for the railway to decide. Selections are held seniority unit wise. |
3 | Regarding authority for setting question paper and modalities fer conducting examination etc, in case of divisionally conducted GDCE, as proposed above. | Instruction for conducting selections will apply |
4 | Any age relaxation to be given to OBC candidates or otherwise | Instructions applicable to departmental selection will apply. |
5 | What should be the qualifying marks for this selection? Whether it should be 60% (including marks on record Service) as applicable for departmental selection or it should be: UR-40%, SC-30%, ST-25% as applicable for GDCE, without any weightage to marks of service record/APAR. | |
6 | Only, the employee(s) having lien in respective division(s) are to be considered for the said selection, in that division. |
(Sanjay Kumar)
Deputy Director
Source: Indian Railways