COVID-19 Lockdown – Railway Offices will function from 20th April 2020 with 33% staff

COVID-19 Lockdown – Railway Offices will function from 20th April 2020 with 33% staff – Those residing in Hotspot areas/containment zones as demarcated by states/district administration will not attend office. They will work from home
List of 170 Districts in India declared as Hotspot districts – MHA relaxation such as functioning of Central Government offices with 33% staff strength will not apply to these Districts
रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)
Office Order No. 25 of 2020
Sub: Reporting of Officials in Board’s Office during lockdown period.
Ministry of Home Affairs vide their Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I/(A) dated 15th April 2020 have issued detailed guidelines with regard to activities which are to come into effect from 20th April 2020.
2. In terms of para 18 of the consolidated revised guidelines on the measures to be taken by the Ministries, Office of the Ministry of Railways, Railway Board is to remain open/functional from Monday, 20th April 2020 onwards till the lockdown period with 100% attendance of Officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above and by staff upto 33% as per requirement.
3, Accordingly, all Officers of the level of JD and above may attend Office regularly from 20th April onwards. As regards staff, HODs of the branches may prepare a roster of staff and Officers below JD level who may be called for attending duties so as to ensure smooth working of Office. While preparing roster, it may be ensured that staff upto 33% attends Office as per requirement. Those staff who are not called for duty would work from home and will be available at all times on mobile phone.
3.1. However, those residing in Hotspot areas/containment zones as demarcated by states/district administration will not attend office. They will work from home and will be available at all times on their Mobile phones.
4. Further, all Officers and Staff may travel in their own vehicles/staff cars/hired vehicles with their Official JD Cards which may be shown to the police personnel wherever required. The driver of the vehicles arranged by Railway Board are also allowed for pick up and drop facility for Officers from their residence to Office and back.
5. Other guidelines as contained in Annexure-I & II of MHA’s order dated 15.04.2020 are also to be adhered to by all Officers/Staff.
No. 2020/0&M/9/1
Dated:- 16.04.2020
(B. Majumdar)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
All Officers and Staff of Board’s Office/Metro Bhawan, Pragati Maidan and at Dayabasti,New Delhi
Copy to:-
Commissioner of Police/Delhi, Noida, Gurugram and Faridabad,
SSP/Ghaziabad, SSP/Jhajjar, SSP/Sonepat.
For allowing Railway Board’s Officials to commute from their residence to the place of work and back on production of their Official Identity Card.
Source: Railway Board