Correction slip of Establishment Manual, 2019 regarding Transfer of Gazetted Officers: Railway Board

Correction slip of Establishment Manual, 2019 regarding Transfer of Gazetted Officers – Period of Tenure for RPF/RPSF Personnel: Railway Board Order dated 09.09.2022
भारत सरकार (Government of India)
रेल मंत्रालय (Ministry of Railway)
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No. 2021/Sec(E)/EM-1/1
New Delhi, dated 09.09.2022
Principal Chief Security Commissioner(s)/RPF,
All Zonal Railways, Metro Railway, Kolkata, RDSO, CORE, PUs .
Director, JR RPF Academy, Lucknow,
Director, ZTI/MLY/SCR.
Sub: Correction slip of Establishment Manual, 2019 regarding Transfer of Gazetted Officers.
Please find enclosed herewith a correction slip regarding correction in Para 4.6 of Chapter IV of Establishment Manual, 2019 under the heading: “Period of Tenure for RPF/RPSF Personnel”, which is self explanatory.
This is for kind information, please.
(Sarika Mohan)
Railway Board.
Points XII, XIII & XIV of Para 4.6 of Chapter IV of Establishment Manual may be deleted and the following may be inserted as Para 11-A with the heading “Transfer of Gazetted Officers”:
Para 11A: Transfer of Gazetted Officers:
i. Total stay at a stretch at a particular station should not be more than 10 years and total cumulative stay in broken spells should not be more than 15 years. For deputation from a station, the total deputation period shall be included in the total stay at that Station, provided that a Gazetted Officer shall not be posted to the same post at that station after completing one tenure/extended tenure.
ii. Younger GOs (Direct appointed ASCs & ACs) shall be preferably posted in Naxal/Terrorist affected areas, NFR, crime affected divisions, sub-urban sections of metro cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai & Kashmir Valley to have exposure with other Forces.
iii. ASCs/DSCs/Sr.DSCs will have atleast one posting in Northeast Frontier Railway, Kashmir Valley and naxal affected areas.
(Authority: Security Directorate, Railway Board’s Note No. 2022/Sec(E)/GOs-Policy, dated 29.04.2022)
Source: Indian Railways