Guidelines for Closure of remaining five printing presses – Railway Board

Guidelines for Closure of remaining five printing presses indicated below by March 2020 – Railway Board Order
रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)
No.2018/RS/Ptg .& Sty./AP/PP/IR
Dated: 04.06.2019
The General Managers
All Indian Railways (including Production Units)
Sub: Closure of remaining five printing presses.
Railway Board (CRB in consultation with MS, MT and FC) has approved the closure of the remaining five printing presses indicated below by March 2020.
The following 05 printing presses should be closed by March 2020.
S/N | Railway | Location of the Printing Press |
1 | Central Railway | Byculla/Mumbai |
2 | Eastern Railway | Howrah |
3 | Northern Railway | Shakurbasti/Delhi |
4 | Southern Railway | Royapuram/Chennai |
5 | South Central Railway | Secunderabad |
The broad guidelines for implementation of the above decision of Railway Board duly agreed by Board (CRB) is enclosed herewith for guidance . The detailed Action plan should be drawn at Zonal Railway level in consultation with all stake holders and implemented.
Encl: As above.
(Manoj Kumar Gupta)
Exe. Director Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board.
Copy to:-
– AM/C , AM/TT , AM/Staff , Railway Board.
– PCCMs, All Indian Railways.
– PFAs, All Indian Railways.
– PCMMs, All Indian Railways.
Guidelines for closure of five Printing Presses
1.0 The five Printing Presses located at Byculla/Mumbai/CR , Howrah/ER, SSB/Delhi/NR Chennai/SR and Secunderabad/SCR should be closed by March 2020.
1.1 Printing of PRS and UTS tickets , money value items should be continued in the above five Printing Presses till complete closure of the Presses . The Passes and PTOs should be printed covering the requirements upto the year 2020- 2021. However, all the printing activities should be stopped by 31.03.2020 .
1.2 PRS and UTS tickets as well as money value items printing should be outsourced to Trade (IBA/RBI approved Security Printers) till complete digitization of ticketing systems and money value items.
1.3 Traffic Commercial Directorate/Railway Board should take actions to digitize all the ticketing systems including PRS and UTS tickets and also all the money value documents in time bound manner.
1.4 Establishment Directorate/Railway Board should take actions to digitize all the money value documents such as Passes, PTOs, etc in time bound manner .
1.5 On closure of the above five Printing Presses, PCMMs of the concerned Zonal Railways to dispose all usable printing and other machines in the market on second hand basis instead of selling as scrap. The new ROTATEK machine may be considered for selling to OEM/Private printers.
1.6 CAMC for the new ROTATEK printing machines should be concluded for a limited period only i.e. up to 31.03.2020 by the concerned PCMMs.
2.0 Staff redeployment:
The technical and non-technical staff rendered surplus due to the closure of the above five Printing Presses should be redeployed in safety categories to the extent possible by the Zonal Railways.
(Manoj Kumar Gupta)
Exe. Director/ Railway Stores (G)
Railway Board
Read / Download Guidelines for Closure of remaining five printing presses – Railway Board