Change of Category for Sportspersons from Safety to Non-Safety & Non-Technical Popular Categories: Railway Board

Change of Category for Sportspersons from Safety to Non-Safety & Non-Technical Popular Categories: Railway Board Order RBE No.125/2023 dated 16.11.2023
RBE No.125/2023
Clarification / Corrigendum No.129
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
No. 2023/E(Sports)/4(3)/04
New Delhi, Dated 16.11.2023
The General Managers (P),
All Zonal Railways & Production & Other units.
Sub: Change of Category for Sportspersons from Safety to Non-Safety & Non-Technical Popular Categories.
Ref: (i) Railway Board’s letter no. E(NG)I/2006/TR/18, dated 25.09.2007,
(ii) Advance Correction Slip No. 133 of Indian Railway Establishment Code, Volume -I (Fifth Edition -1985, Third Edition-2008) issued vide Railway Board’s letter no. E(NG)I – 2018/12, dated 24.08.2018 (RBE No. 120/2018).
In terms of RBE No. 120/2018, Divisional Railway Managers are competent to transfer all Non-Gazetted Railway employees for divisional controlled cadres from one department to another department subject to the condition that requests will not be entertained for change of category from Safety to Non-Safety and other NTPC categories. However, there is no restriction in erstwhile group-D categories.
2. Keeping in view the promotion of sports in Indian Railways, the matter regarding change of category of sportspersons from Safety to Non-Safety and other NTPC categories has been reviewed by Board’s office. In modification of instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter mentioned under reference (ii), it has been decided that change of category of sportspersons from Safety to Non-Safety & Non-Technical Popular Categories may be allowed with personal approval of General Manager for medalists/participants of Olympics, World Cup, World Championship, Asian Games & Commonwealth Games of those game disciplines, which are included in Asian /Commonwealth/Olympic Games only.
3. Zonal Railways may take necessary action accordingly.
(Ravinder Kumar)
Deputy Director/ E(Sports)
Source: Indian Railways