Breath Analyser Testing and Biometric Verification of Running Staff during COVID-19 Pandemic

Breath Analyser Testing and Biometric Verification of Running Staff during signing on/off in the backdrop of COVID-19 Pandemic: AIRF
Dated: July 2, 2021
The Chairman and CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Breath Analyser Testing and Biometric Verification of Running Staff during signing on/off in the backdrop of COVID-19 Pandemic
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.2016/M(L)/467/1 dated 28.04.2021
Railway Board vide their letter supra dated 28.04.2021, addressed to the General Managers of all the Indian Railways, had extended the date of relaxation from Breath Analyser Test and Biometric Verification of Running Staff, with due approval of the respective General Managers, up to 30.06.2021.
Since COVID-19 Pandemic is still continuing and Scientists and Medicos are also apprehending the third wave, which may be more contagious and infectious due to mutation of the Coronavirus to Delta Plus Variant, it would be quite appropriate that, relaxation from Breath Analyser Test and Biometric Verification of Running Staff be extended at least up to 31st December, 2021 or until the present COVID-19 Pandemic is over.
This may kindly be treated as “Most Urgent”.
√Copy to: Member (Traction & Rolling Stock), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: Member(O&BD), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: A.M.(H.R.), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: P.E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – For information.
Source: AIRF
Also check the following links related to this topic:
Breath Analyser Test And Bio-Metric Verification Of Running Staff – Railway Board
Exemption to employees to mark biometric attendance through AEBAS till 31.03.2020
Aadhaar-enabled Biometric Attendance System for Railway Staff