Applicability of ‘Best Amongst the Failure Scheme’ in LDCE Exam

Applicability of ‘Best Amongst the Failure Scheme’ in LDCE Exam- Railway Board RBE No 503/2020, dated 17.08.2020
RBE No 503/2020
No. 2018-E(SCT)I/25/16
New Delhi, dated: 17.08.2020
The General Manager (P),
Diesel Locomotive Works
Sub: Applicability of ‘Best Amongst the Failure Scheme’ in LDCE Exam.
Ref: Diesel Locomotive Works’ letter No.GM(PYV/CC/LDCE/OS/30/2018 dated 10.10.2018.
Kindly refer to your above mentioned letter on the above subject. In this regard, attention is invited to clarification issued by Railway Board vide letter No. “2007-E(SCT)/25/7 dated 15.03.2010 (copy enclosed) to North Eastern Railway (NER) regarding application of Best among the failure scheme in promotions from Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ through LDCE under 16-2/3% quota, which is as under :-
“The issue regarding application of Best among the failure scheme in promotion through LDCE has been examined in the light of existing instructions on the relevant Policy. Since the promotions through LDCE are purely on the tasis of merit and there is already a provision of 10% relaxation in qualifying standard for SCs/STs for filling up reserved vacancies, policy of Best Amongst the failures scheme in promotions form Group ‘D’ to Group ‘C’ through LDCE under 16-2/3% will not apply.”
Hence, it has been inferred that since the promotions through LDCE are purely on the basis of merit and there is already a provision of relaxation in qualifying standard for SCs/STs for filling up reserved vacancies, policy of Best Amongst the failures scheme in promotions through LDCE will not be applicable.
DA: As above
(U.N. Mehta)
Jt. Dir. E(Res.)I
Copy to :-
(i) General Manager (P)/Western Railway in reference to their letter No.0925/2/1/1 Vol. XVII RQ)(LDCE) dt. 11.03.2020.
(ii) General Manager (P)/All Indian Zonal Railways/Production Units.
(iii) President/General Secretary/AISC&STREA)