Anomalies in pay level & MACPS for IT Engineers working in Indian Railways: IRTSA Memo

Anomalies in pay level & MACPS for IT Engineers working in Indian Railways: IRTSA Memo dated 22.05.2024 to Railway Board
(Estd. 1965, Regd. No.1329, Website
No: IRTSA/Memo-26
Date: 22.05.2024
Director General (HR)
Railway Board,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Anomalies in pay level & MACPS for IT Engineers working in Indian Railways.
Ref: IRTSA memorandum No:IRTSA/Memo-26, dated 10.05.2024.
1) IRTSA would like to submit serious anomalies in the cadre of IT Engineers by not granting level-8 for SE(IT) and not granting financial upgradation under MACPS ignoring scales upgraded & abolished and subsequent formation of two grades (JE & SE) cadre structure.
2) Formation of IT cadre, It’s present condition and continuous ignorance done to this category are briefed below,
a) Data Entry operators were selected in 4″ CPC scale of Rs.1350-2200 from serving employees then working in the scale of Rs.1200-2040. Prerequisite education qualification for Data Entry operator was Graduate degree and qualifying from aptitude test conducted by CRIS.
b) IT cadre was formed w.e.f. 01.04.2005. Two grades structure JE in Grade Pay Rs.4200 and SE in Grade Pay Rs.4600 has been implemented w.e.f. 01-01-2006.
c) Railway Board vide their letter No:ERB-I/2011/25/4 dated 14.07.2011, directed all Zonal Railways and Production Units to upgrade all then existing posts in Grade Pay Rs.4600 to Rs.4800 and post in Grade Pay Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 similar to cadre structure implemented for IT cadre in Railway Board. But it was not followed by Zonal Railways and Production units.
d) Senior Engineer/IT and Junior Engineer/IT has been restructured in percentage of 67:33 respectively in accordance with the percentage implemented for Technical Supervisors vide Board’s letter RBE No 45/2017, No.2016/AC-II(CC)/37/9, dated 18.04.2017 and implemented from 01.04.2017, whereas cadre restructure for all other Group-C employees were implemented w.e.f. 01.11.2013.
e) RBA No 22/2019, No.2016/AC-II(CC)/37/9, dated 28.03.2019 approved sanctioned strength of IT cadre for each Zonal Railway and Production units as on 01.04.2017. Total sanctioned strength of IT Engineers cadre in Indian Railways as on 01.04.2017 was 1067 with the split up of JE(IT) 278 and SE(IT) 789.
f) RBE No.155/2022 implemented upgradation for Technical Supervisors and other department supervisors w.e.f. 01.12.2022, leaving out Senior Engineer (IT). 50% of sanctioned posts in level-7 were upgraded to level-8 w.e.f. 01.12.2022 and on completion of four years of service in level-8, 50% of posts in level-8 will be upgraded (non-functional) to level-9.
3) Anomaly due to non-granting 50% upgradation from level-7 to level-8 for SE (IT).
a) Post of Data Entry operators in 4th CPC scale of Rs.1350-2200 were filled from other departments’ employees through departmental selection having educational qualification of Graduate degree working in the pay scale of Rs.1200-2040.
b) Formation of regular IT cadre in Zonal Railways and Production units were approved by Railway Board long back. Now IT cadre is having two tier structure JE (IT) in GP- Rs.4200/level-6 and SE (IT) in GP-Rs.4600/level-7 with percentage distribution on par with Technical Supervisors 33:67.
c) 50% upgradation from level-7 to level-8 was implemented by Railway Board for SSE and other departments’ supervisors to reduce stagnation at level-7. Even though many of SE (IT) are stagnated at level-7 for more than 15 years, upgradation was not granted to them. This has created serious anomaly and placed SE (IT) in disadvantageous position compared with other departments’ supervisory cadre. For illustration, position of SE (IT) working in ICF is taken. It is found that 43% of SE (IT) working in ICF are stagnated in same grade for more than 13 years. Senior most SE (IT) has been stagnated in the same grade for more than 26 years. In addition, 36% of them are stagnated for more than seven years.
Table showing stagnant position of Senior Engineer (IT) working in ICF is given in annexure-1
d) Because of non-inclusion of SE (IT) in 50% upgradation to level-8 order, Employees switched from ministerial cadre to IT cadre through departmental selection is put in anomalous disadvantageous position to their juniors in ministerial cadre. Had they continued in ministerial cadre they should have got their promotion to level-8. Thus switching over to IT cadre through departmental selection turned into punishment for them. Hence to remove this serious anomaly, 50% upgradation from level-7 to level-8 should be extended to SE (IT) w.e.f.01.12.2022.
Comparative statement on Disadvantageous position of Sri.Ganesan. K, SE (IT) over his junior in Ministerial cadre because of non-granting 50% pay level upgradation from level-7 to level-8 is given in annexure-2 as an example.
4) Anomaly in MAPC Scheme for SE (IT) drawn from other departments with qualification required for direct recruits.
a) Basic principle of financial upgradation under MACPS is, promotions earned in merged grades has to be ignored so as to avoid disadvantageous position of juniors placed in higher scale/level than seniors can be avoided.
b) IT cadre was formed by drawing employees from other departments through departmental selection with basic qualification of Graduate degree and qualifying aptitude test conducted by CRIS. They were observed in 4 CPC pay scale of Rs.1350-2200.
c) Later two-tier IT cadre JE (GP-4200/level-6) and SE (GP-4600/level-7) was formed abolishing/ upgrading other lower grades. Qualification for JE direct recruitment is fixed as Graduate degree. Employees observed through departmental selection are also having minimum educational qualification of Graduate degree. Since they are having same educational qualification of direct recruits, their financial upgradation under MACPS should be counted from GP-4200/level-6.
d) Thus, JE (IT) & SE (IT) drawn from other departments with Graduate degree qualification having more experience, have been put in disadvantageous situation than their directly recruited juniors, since they have not been granted financial upgradation under MACPS ignoring promotions earned in abolished/upgraded and they are stagnated in level-7.
e) All JE (IT) & SE (IT) observed through departmental selection with educational qualification of Graduate degree (same qualification required for direct recruitment) may please be granted financial upgradation under MACPS from their entry to JE (IT) in GP Rs.4200/level-6 ignoring earlier promotions earned by them.
Comparative statement on disadvantageous position of Sri.Ganesan.K, SE (IT) over his juniors with in IT cadre, ICF is given annexure-3 as an example.
a) To remove serious anomaly compared with other department supervisory categories, 50% upgradation from level-7 to level-8 w.e.f.01.12.2022 thereof from Level 8 to Level 9 as Non-Functional promotion after 4 years should be extended to SE (IT).
b) All JE (IT) & SE (IT) observed through departmental selection with educational qualification of Graduate degree (same qualification required for direct recruitment) may please be granted financial upgradation under MACPS from their entry to JE (IT) in GP Rs.4200/level-6 ignoring earlier promotions earned by them.
Thanking you, with regards,
Yours’ truly
General Secretary, IRTSA
Copy to — For kind information & Necessary Action:
Additional Member (Staff), Room No.208, Railway Board, New Delhi-110001.
Source: IRTSA