ALERT regarding recent Cyber Crime – Online updation of Digital Life Certificate

ALERT regarding recent Cyber Crime – Online updation of Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan Patr): Railway Board Order dated 04.07.2021
भारत सरकार / Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय/ Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड/ Railway Board)
No. 2020/AC-II/21/3
New Delhi, dated 04.07.2021
The CMDs/MDs,
All PSBs
Sub: ALERT regarding recent Cyber Crime – Online updation of Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan Patr)
Cyber Crime Cell, Hazaratganj, Police Commissionrate, Lucknow has issued an ‘ALERT’ to all pensioners regarding the calls made by fraudsters to the pensioners under the pretext of Online updation of Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan Patr). The following is the Modus Operandi:
The fraudsters first collect all information about the pensioners viz. Date of Appointment, Date of Retirement, PPO number, Aadhar Card Number, Permanent Address, email-ID, Amount of Settlement dues received by them at the time of retirement, Monthly Pension, Nominee etc. Then, they make phone calls to the pensioners and gain the trust of the pensioners by telling the above personal details . They, then, encourage the pensioners to obtain and share OTP for Online Updation of DLC. The fraudsters transfer the amounts lying at the credit of the pensioners Account to their fake Bank Accounts or “Wallet” by using this OTP.
It is, therefore, requested to send alert message to all Pensioners drawing pension through your bank to be cautious of such fraudulent calls clarifying that Pension Disbursing Authorities never make calls the pensioners nor request them to share OTP for Online updation of DLC. It is the responsibility of all pensioners that they personally present themselves in the office of the Pension Disbursing Authority for this purpose. Suitable notices may also be prominently in branches so that the Pensioners do not become victims of such frauds.
DA: As above
(Sanjeev Sharma)
Railway Board
Copy to : PCPOs/PFAs of all Zonal Railways and Production Units for information and n.a.