Acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade under CAS to miscellaneous category of teachers: Railway Board

Relaxation in the condition of acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade under CAS to miscellaneous category of teachers: Railway Board
(रेलवे बोर्ड/ RAILWAY BOARD)
No. E(P&A)I-2012/PS-5/PE-3
RBE No. 110/2022
New Delhi, Dated : 07.09.2022
The General Managers and the PFAs,
All Indian Railways and
Production Units.
Sub: Relaxation in the condition of acquiring higher qualifications for grant of Selection Grade under CAS to miscellaneous category of teachers.
Attention is invited to Railway Board’s instructions on Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) governing the career progression of railway school teachers. Under the CAS, Senior Grade can be granted to Primary School teachers/ TGIs/ PGTs after completion of 12 years of service in Basic Grade and Selection Grade can be granted to them after completion of 12 years of service in the Senior Grade subject to attainment of the prescribed level of qualifications.
2. In this context, references have been received in Board’s Office from some of the zonal Railways, seeking clarification regarding grant of Selection Grade to miscellaneous category of teachers who have put in requisite years of service in Senior Grade but have not been granted Selection Grade due to non-prescription of requisite higher qualifications.
3. The matter has been examined in Board’s Office in consultation with Ministry of Education (D/o School Education & Literacy). It has been decided that after completion of 12 years of service in Senior Grade, Selection Grade may be granted to miscellaneous category of teachers in Railways without insisting on higher qualifications.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
5. This disposes of NER’s letter No. का/252/210/वरि.ग्रेड/भाग-I/II dated 16.12.2019 and WCR’s letter No. WCR/P.HQ/1410/Wel/TGT Sel. dated 16.01.2020.
6. Please acknowledge receipt.
(N. P. Singh)
Jt. Director Estt.(P&A),
Railway Board
Tele No. 47845124
Email Id: [email protected]
Source: Indian Railways