68th Railway Week Central Function – Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP), 2023

68th Railway Week Central Function – Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP), 2023: Railway Board Order dated 29.11.2023
भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
रेलवे बोर्ड (Railway Board)
No.2023/O& M/12/4/2
New Delhi, Dated: 29.11.2023
General Managers,
All Zonal Railways/PUs
CAO/PLW, Patiala, CAO/WPO, Patna & CAO/RWP, Bela.
Sub: 68th Railway Week Central Function — Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar (AVRSP), 2023.
It has been decided to hold the 68th Railway Week Central Function – Ati Vishisht Rail Seva Puraskar(AVRSP), 2023 on Friday, the 15th December, 2023 at Bharat Mandapam, Pragati Maidan, New Dethi with Northern Railway as the Host Railway. Hon’ble MR would be the Chief Guest and Hon’ble MoSR(D) & MoSR(QJ) would be the Guests of Honour. During the function Hon’ble MR would present the medals and merit certificates to Awardees of AVRSP-2023 and Shields to GMs of Zonal Railways/PUs for best performance in specific fields. CRB & CEO and other Board Members will also be present on the occasion. The date, time & venue of the function are as under:
i) Date&Time : Friday, 15 December, 2023, 1700 HRS onwards,
ii) Venue : Bharat Mandpam, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
(T. Srinivas)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Email: t.srinivas1[at]gov.in
Telephone No. 011-47845551
Room No.229, 2nd Floor,
Railway Board
Copy to:
CRB & CEO , MF, M/Infra, M/O&BD, M/TRS, Secretary/RB
All Additional Members/PEDs
Copy for information to:
~ Room No. 229, 2nd Floor, Rail Bhawan, Raisina Road, New Delhi-110001
Source: Indian Railways