Verification of GPF subscription/withdrawal Certificate – Check List for GPF final settlement/ Final withdrawal claims: PCDA

Verification of GPF subscription/withdrawal Certificate – Check List for GPF final settlement/ Final withdrawal claims: PCDA Circular dated 30.01.2024
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Army)
Dated: 30/01/2024
1. Pay section& AN (Pay) (Local)
2. Area Accounts Office (Pay), Jalandhar Cantt
3. All AO GE’s offices under PCDA (Army), Chandigarh
Sub- Verification of GPF subscription/withdrawal Certificate.
In the above context, Please find enclosed CDA (Funds), Meerut cantt office letter no. AN/Funds/Coord/5002/General dated 24.01.2024 alongwith its enclosure regarding subject cited matter for further necessary action at your end please.
2. In this regard, it is once again reiterated to ensure that GPF subscription/ withdrawal certificate should be properly verified and the claim should be thoroughly checked before forwarding to CDA (Funds), Meerut cantt to avoid unnecessary delay in payment to the subscriber.
3. A checklist is enclosed as “Annexure-A” to reference stated in Para 1 above, for compliance for submission of the Final Settlement/ Final Withdrawl claims to CDA (Funds), Meerut cantt office.
Kindly acknowledge receipt.
Encl:- As above.
M.P. Mandan, I.D.A.S
(Asst. Controller)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence (Finance)
Defence Accounts Department
Office of the CDA (Funds)
Meerut Cantt.
No. AN/Funds/Coord/5002/General
Dated: 24.01.2024
All ODP Controllers
(As per the list enclosed)
Subject:- Verification of GPF subscription/withdrawal Certificate
This is regarding GPF Final Settlement/ Final Withdrawal claims pertaining to DAD/Non-DAD subscribers. Of late it has been observed that the claims received in this office are incomplete in nature. Particularly the subscription/withdrawal certificate received along with GPF final withdrawal/settlement claims have not been found verified by the competent authority (i.e. Concerned Pay Account Office/AAO Pay/AOGE). Due to which this office faces difficulties in passing the claims within the prescribed time limit.
2. As per rule in vogue the certificate should be verified upto the date of retirement/final withdrawal as per the claim. In absence of complete documents, the claim of final settlement of GPF/final withdrawal has to be returned to clear the observations which results unnecessary delay in payment to the subscriber.
3. Therefore, it is requested to issue the necessary instructions to the concerned officers/authority under your jurisdiction to ensure that GPF subscription/withdrawal certificate should be verified by him/her and check thoroughly the claim before forwarding to this office to avoid unnecessary delay in payment to the subscriber.
4. in addition to above, a check list is also enclosed as Annexure “A” to this letter for follow up action for submission of the Final Settlement’ Final Withdrawal claims to this office. It is requested to ensure that the requirement as per the check list may be fulfilled for speedy and correct settlement. of the claims and to avoid unnecessary correspondence.
(KP Singh)
Annexure “A”
1. Is the name correctly mentioned?
2. Is the GPF Account Number Correct? Please double check.
3. Is the date of retirement correctly mentioned?
4. Is the Bank Name, Address and Account No. correctly mentioned?
5. Is the IFSC Code for.the stated bank Branch correctly mentioned?
6. Has the claim been counter signed by the Competent Authority?
7. Has the claim been checked and verified by the concerned CDA Office/Pay Audit Office?
8. Are last two years details of advances/withdrawals duly verified by the pay audit office enclosed with claim?
9. Have the last subscription details (after the last CCO-9) enclosed with the claim been verified by the CDA/Pay audit office?
10. Have all documents required been attached with the claim?
11. Has an home address of the retiree subscriber/beneficiary which will remain valid atleast upto 03 months post-retirement been provided? Please provide the same.
12. Has the Complete Postal address, Fax No., and telephone of the Unit been mentioned, and the details of the nominee/beneficiary (s) as per nomination form have been provided?
13. In death Cases, it may be ensured that the CTC of death certificate and part —II Order of the casualty have been enclosed with the claim.
Source: PCDA