Timelines & Checklist for processing Pension cases: MoHUA

Timelines & Checklist for processing Pension cases – Pension Process Map and Time-Frame for those who are retiring on superannuation: MoHUA OM dated 05.01.2024
No. E9109618/ Pr.AO/ MoHUA/ T&C/ Pension Circulars/ 2021-22/444-56
Government of India
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Principal Accounts Office
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 5 January, 2024
Subject: Timelines & Checklist for processing Pension cases-regarding.
During a recent review of pendency of Pension cases in the various PAOs’ of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, it was observed that in most cases the delays are due to non-submission/late submission of requisite documents to the PAOs, incomplete information, pay fixation anomalies, delay in issue of Vigilance Clearance Certificate (VCC), No Dues Certificate (NDC), etc.
2. It is highlighted that as per extant CCS (Pension) Rules, the preparatory work for timely release of pensionary benefits should be initiated by the Department well in advance i.e. at least one year prior to the retirement of the Government Servant. In this regard, a detailed check-list and timelines for processing the pension cases have been enclosed at Annexure-I. The roles and responsibilities of the Government Servant, Head of Office and PAO in settlement of Pension cases is enclosed at Annexure-II.
3. All Heads of Departments in this Ministry are requested to widely circulate the check-list to all the Divisions under their control. The Heads of Departments may also review the status of processing of pension cases/revision of pension cases on monthly basis and take necessary action for their expeditious settlement. This would ensure timely disbursement of pensionary benefits to the retiring employees.
(Dr. Kavitha Gotru)
Chief Controller of Accounts
Pension Process Map and Time-Frame for those who are retiring on superannuation
S. No. | Process | Authority Concerned | Time-frame | Applicable Rule (CCS Pension Rules 1972) |
1. | Preparation of list of employees who are due to retire within 12 to 15 months | Head of the Department | 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October of each year. | 56(1) |
2. | Communication of the list to the Pay and Accounts Office (PAO) | Head of the Department/ Head of the Office | 31st January, 30th April, 31st July and 31st October each year.
In the case of a Government servant retiring for reasons other than by way of superannuation, the Head of Office shall promptly inform the PAO as soon as the fact of such retirement becomes known to him. |
56(2) |
In the case of a Government servant retiring for reasons other than by way of superannuation, the Head of Office shall promptly inform the PAO concerned, as soon as the fact of such retirement becomes known to him. | 56(3) | |||
3. | Communication of the list to the Directorate of Estates in respect of employees having General Pool Accommodation with a view to obtain ‘No Demand Certificate. | Head of the Office | 12 months before retirement. | 56(4) |
4. | Verification and determination of qualifying service, and if necessary, in consultation with the employee; and determination of average emoluments. | Head of the Office. | 12 months before the retirement. The process to be completed before eight months from the date of retirement. | 59 (a) & (b) |
5. | Communication of facts to the retiring employee for action by the employee. | Head of the Office | 8 months before retirement. | 59(c) |
6. | Submission of papers by the employee | Employee | 6 months before retirement. | 59(c) (iii) |
7. | Presentation of papers to Pay and Accounts Office (PAO). | Head of the Office | 4 months before retirement. | 61(4) |
8. | Checking the admissible pension and gratuity and forwarding the PPO to the pension paying authority. | Pay and Accounts Office (PAO) | 1 month before retirement. | 65 |
9. | Dispatch of PPO to CPAO | Pay and Accounts Office (PAO) | On the last working day of the month preceding the month of retirement. | |
10. | Dispatch of Bank halt of the PPO to CPPC of Authorized Bank . | CPAO | By 20th of the month of retirement. | |
11. | Handing over of pensioner’s half of the PPO to the retiring employee | Head of Office | On the day of retirement. | |
12. | Completion of all formalities and crediting the pension to the pensioner’s account. | CPPC/Paying Branch | The last date of the month following the month of retirement or within 40 days of the receipt of the PPO/SSA whichever is earlier |
Note: For cases of retirement other than on superannuation, it is provided that PPO shall be issued within 6months of submission of duly completed Form 5 or the date of retirement whichever is later.
Head of the Office:
1. Prepare list of employees retiring within 12 to 15 months, every Quarter and communicate the same to PAO.
2. Scrutiny of service book for completeness of Service Verification Certificates, arrange to verify the unverified portion of service, correctness of emoluments drawn and set right any discrepancies/deficiencies under intimation to the Government Servant.
3. Ensure that Pay Fixation/ upgradation given to Government Employee is in accordance with the guidelines of DoPT / Central Pay Commission /D/o Expenditure.
4. Undertake the work of preparation of pension papers in Form 7, one year before the date of retirement of Government Employee.
5. Communication of all details to retiring employee by providing him Form 5, 8 months before the date of retirement. The employee should submit the duly filled in Form 5 to Head of Office, not later than 6 months prior to his/her date of retirement.
6. That the Government Servant is clear from vigilance angle.
7. Presentation of Pension to PAO, 4 months before the date of superannuation of employee and in cases other than retirement on superannuation, not later than 3 months after the submission of Form 5.
Please Note: Qualifying Service Certificate is required to be issued by the Head of Office after completion of 18 Years and again 5 years before the retirement of employees. (Refer OM No. 1/19/2013-P&PW (E) dated 16.09.2015 (enclosed)
Government Servant
1. Each Government Servant should satisfy himself/herself that his/her service is being verified and recorded so in the Service Book.
2. Ensure that nominations for all the payments due to him/her are current and valid.
3. Details of the employees who are going to retire in 12-15 months will be added automatically in Bhavishya through EIS. The employee will obtain his/her get login details to fill up detail in various forms (Form 1,Form A, Form 3, Fixed Medical Allowance, Form 5 etc.) and send it to Head of Office 6 months prior to retirement.
4. CGEGIS: Government Servant must ensure the entry is being made whenever there is change in Group (Gr. A, Gr. B, Gr. C) due to promotion.
5. GPF: Government Servant is required to ensure that there is no Missing Credit or Missing Debit from the Annual GPF statements every year ad ensure completeness of all entries to avoid delay in release of GPF payments.
Pay and Accounts Officer
1. On receipt of Pension Papers (complete in all respects) from Head of Office, the PAO after applying requisite checks, assesses the amount of pension and forward the e-PPO and physical form of PPO (both halves of PPO i.e. Disburser portion and Pensioner portion) with (special seal affixed) to CPAO at least one month in advance of the date of retirement of Government servant.
2. Dispatch the bank half/disburser portion of the PPO to the authorized bank by 20th of the month of retirement.
3. PAO shall issue authority to DDO through PFMS for payment of Gratuity and Commutation value of Pension.