Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pension Grievances – 1140 Family Pensioners Grievances Redressed in Week 2

Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pension Grievances – 1140 Family Pensioners Grievances Redressed in Week 2 of Special Campaign
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
1140 Family Pensioners Grievances Redressed in Week 2 of Special Campaign for Redressal of Family Pension Grievances
More than 60% of targeted cases redressed in the first 2 weeks of the Campaign
Through the coordinated efforts by 46 Ministries/ Departments several Family Pensioners have benefited from the Special Campaign
Posted On: 12 JUL 2024 5:22PM by PIB Delhi
As a part of 100 days action plan of the Department of Pension and Pension Welfare, a month-long Special Campaign to redress Family Pension grievances was launched by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Hon’ble Minister of State for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions on 1st July, 2024.
This month-long Special Campaign by end of second week has crossed the 60% targeted mark, with the redressal of 1140 Family Pension cases, out of the total 1891 family pension cases, identified for disposal at the commencement of the campaign.
The coordinated efforts of 46 Ministries/ Departments has benefitted the Family Pensioners and some of the important cases, where Family pension grievances have been successfully redressed on the Centralized Pension Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS), an online Portal, are as follows:
1. Grievance of Ms. Shivani Aniya – “Sanction of Family Pension with arrears of Rs. 9.8 lakh to an unmarried daughter after 07 years”:
Ms. Shivani Aniya, d/o Late Sh. Satish Kumar Aniya from Railways, was not sanctioned family pension since 2017 despite repeated efforts. She resides in Khandwa, MP and registered her first grievance on CPENGRAMS portal on 20.02.2024. DoPPW actively pursued her case with the concerned ministry. Her case was selected for the Special Campaign and due to active coordination with Ministry of Railways, it has been successfully closed with the payment of arrears amounting to around Rs. 9.8 lakh and commencement of monthly family pension.
2. Grievance of Ms. Najma Khatoon – “Sanction of revised Family Pension with arrears of Rs. 9.3 lakh to the spouse after 11 years”:
Ms. Najma Khatoon, w/o Late Sh. Sheikh Md. Jubair, JE had been getting family pension, less than her entitlement, since 2013. She resides in Munger, Bihar. For her grievance, she filed numerous complaints, but could not succeed. Thereafter, a grievance was registered on CPENGRAMS portal on 12.06.2024. Her case was selected for inclusion in Special Campaign and it was monitored constantly. Due to this, long pending grievance has got resolved and payment of arrears of more than Rs.9.3 lakh has been made to her.
3. Grievance of Ms. Prabeetha Sooraj- “Payment of erroneously recovered gratuity of Rs. 10.25 lakh to the spouse after 4 years”:
Ms. Prabeetha Sooraj, w/o Late Sh. Sooraj Lal Kuniyil, lost her husband in 2020. She hails from Mahe, Puducherry. The gratuity payable to her, after the death of her husband, was erroneously recovered from her. To redress her grievance, she filed complaints, but redressal was taking time. In this process, she registered her grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal on 14.05.2024. The case was forwarded to the concerned department and included in the Special Campaign. Constant monitoring and active processing have led to successful redressal of her grievance with the payment of gratuity of Rs.10.25 lakh.
4. Grievance of Ms. Neelam Kumari- “Payment of arrears of Enhanced Family Pension of Rs. 4.30 lakh to spouse after 6 years”:
Ms. Neelam Kumari w/o Late Lt. Surinder Singh from Army, is a resident of remote village of Jammu. She was sanctioned family pension at the ordinary rate i.e. 30% of the last basic pay. However, she was entitled for enhanced rate of 50% of last basic pay. She filed complaints in this regard, but it was taking time. In the meantime, she got to know about the CPENGRAMS, an on-line portal and registered her grievance on 18.05.2024. Her case was forwarded to the concerned ministry and was also included in the ongoing Special Campaign. Due emphasis was provided by the Ministry of Defense in this case, which has eventually resulted in successful redressal of grievance with the payment of arrears of Rs.4.30 lakh.
5. Grievance of Ms. Ganga Devi – “Sanction of Additional Family Pension with payment of arrears of Rs. 3.72 lakh to 88 years old spouse after 08 years”:
Ms. Ganga Devi is a Super-senior Family pensioner whose husband retired from Army. She resides in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand. The additional family pension which is paid after attaining the age of 80 years, was not started in her case. A grievance was registered on CPENGRAMS portal on 17.05.2024. It was actively followed up by DOPPW as department gives special emphasis on the cases of Super-senior pensioners/family pensioners. Her case was also included in the Special Campaign and the same has been successfully resolved with the payment of arrears of Rs.3.72 lakh.
6. Grievance of Ms. Simranjit Kaur – “Payment of Family Pension arrears of Rs. 5.54 lakh to an unmarried daughter after 1.5 years”:
Ms. Simranjit Kaur, d/o Late Sh. Sukhdev Singh from Army, hails from a village of Tarantarn District of Punjab. Unfortunately, she lost her parents in October, 2022. However, her family pension was started only in April, 2024 without payment of the arrears of family pension from October, 2022 to March, 2024. For this, she registered her grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal on 06.05.2024. Her case was identified for the Special campaign. Due to this, active follow up was done and the case has been successfully redressed with the arrears payment of Rs. 5.54 lakh.
7. Grievance of Ms. Pramila Yadav – “Payment of 3 installments of OROP-II amounting to Rs. 1.87 lakh to the spouse after 1 year”:
Ms. Pramila Yadav, w/o Late Colonel Sajan Singh Ram Kumar Yadav, was getting family pension after the demise of her husband in May, 2023. She is residing in Gurugram, Haryana. She was to receive installment no. 2,3 and 4 of OROP-II since July, 2023. For this, she registered her grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal on 13.04.2024. The case was taken up in the Special campaign. Due to this, the redressal process was expedited and the case has been successfully redressed with the arrears payment of Rs. 1.87 lakh.
8. Grievance of Ms. Rampukari Devi – “Sanction of revised Family Pension with arrears of Rs. 2.64 lakh to the spouse after 15 years”:
Ms. Rampukari Devi, w/o Late Sh. Bhrigunath Chaubey, was getting family pension since 2009. She resides at Bettiah, Bihar. However, the pension was to be paid at higher rate and thereby, required revision. In this regard, she approached various forums, but it was taking time. A grievance in this regard was registered on CPENGRAMS Portal on 14.06.2024. Her case was identified and pursued in the Special Campaign. It expedited the redressal process, leading to the arrear payment of Rs. 2.64 lakh.
9. Grievance of Ms. Amrik Kaur Kang – “Sanction of revised Family Pension with arrears of Rs. 2.6 lakh under OROP to spouse after 1.5 years”:
Ms. Amrik Kaur Kang, w/o Late Col. Jasvir Kang was not getting revised family pension as per the PCDA circular no. 666 dated 20.01.2023. She resides in Jalandhar, Punjab. For the revision of the family pension, she registered her grievance on CPENGRAMS Portal on 14.05.2024. The case was included as a part of the Special campaign and was constantly monitored. The grievance has been successfully redressed with the arrear payment of around Rs. 2.6 lakh.
10. Grievance of Ms. Jaya Lakshmi- “Resumption of stopped Family pension of spouse”:
Ms. Jaya Lakshmi, a resident of Srikakulum, Andhra Pradesh, lost her husband in April, 2021. Thereafter, she was sanctioned family pension and it continued till April, 2024. However, due to certain reasons, her family pension was stopped in May, 2024. For this, she registered a grievance on CPENGRAMS portal on 14.06.2024. Her case was selected under Special Campaign and it was regularly monitored. This has resulted in expeditious redressal of her grievance with the resumption of family pension.
Source: PIB