SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners for abolishing first identification of pensioners

Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners for abolishing first identification of pensioners: PCDA(P) Circular dated 29.10.2021
Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts(Pension),
Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad – 211014
Circular No. : SPARSH‐07
Dated: 29th October 2021
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub:- Implementation of SPARSH for Defence Civilian Pensioners for abolishing first identification of pensioners.
SPARSH system has been rolled out and Pension sanction through SPARSH for Defence Civilian is functional. To make simplify the pension process, MoD had issued instructions for abolishing first identification of service pensioners before release of pensionary awards vide their letter No. 3(1)/2015/D (Pen/Policy) dt.09.04.2021. As per ibid OM, service pensioners under SPARSH are not required to undergo life certification for first/initial (lumpsum) payment of pensionary benefits.
As per provisions laid down in above said OM dt 09.04.2021, it has been decided that life certification of service pensioner either physically or digitally i.e. through biometric or life certificate etc. is not required for release of first lumpsum payment i.e. gratuity, commuted value of pension, monthly pension etc. where the payment is to be disbursed through SPARSH application. However, existing rules relating to annual identification of pensioner after completing 12 months from date of first disbursement of pensionary benefits may continue to be followed as hithertofore.
For compliance of above, HOOs will responsible for ensuring that action for cancellation of PPO is taken immediately in case where death of individual occurs before discharge/retirement from service. This is necessary to avoid any overpayment or payment of gratuity to parties other than the nominee. In case, any excess payment occurs in such cases, the same shall be adjusted against payment due to subsequent to family pensioner, as per the existing order on the subject.
In view of the foregoing, suitable instructions (alongwith copy of this circular) may be issued to all the Head of Offices under your administrative control to ensure the compliance of above provisions.
(Rajendra Kumar Gupta)
Source: PCDA