Simplification of Pension Procedure- Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees

Simplification of Pension Procedure- Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees: Railway Board Order dated 29.06.2021
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
RBA NO. 36/2021
No. 2010/AC-II/21/3 (part-1)
New Delhi, dated 29 .06.2021
All Zonal Railways/PUs
Sub: Simplification of Pension Procedure- Submission of Undertaking by retiring Railway employees.
Ref:-1. Board’s letter No. F(E)III/2008/PN1/13 dated 17.3.2015.
2. Board’s letter of even No. dated 02.07.2020 (RBA No. 55/2020)
Attention is invited to Board’s instructions issued vide letters ibid regarding submission of Letter of Undertaking by the retiring employee at the time of retirement, as a part of simplification of Pension procedure. Now, Bank of Baroda has brought to the notice of this Ministry that the bank is receiving unfilled /partially filled Pensioner’s letter of Undertaking (LOU) along with the PPOs. Furthermore, the format of this Undertaking does not conform to the format prescribed by Board’s letter referred above. As a result, CPPC of the bank is obtaining this form once again from the pensioners, to set right the discrepancy. This is causing delay in commencement of first pension by the bank.
It is, therefore, advised that the system in vogue may be reviewed and suitable corrective action be taken to avoid recurrence of such instances in future.
(Ajay Bartwal)
Joint Director Finance/CCA
Railway Board