Revision of Pension of Pre-96 & Pre-2006 Pensioners – PCDA

PCDA Circular C-189 – Representations regarding revision of pension of Pre-96 & Pre-2006 Pensioners
O/o The Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadighat, Allahabad – 211014
Circular No.C-189
O/o the PCDA (P) Allahabad
Dated: 11.07.2018.
To, —————————————-
(All Head of Department under Min. of Defence)
Sub:- Representations regarding revision of pension of Pre-96 & Pre-2006 Pensioners.
Ref:- HQs letter No.5162/AT-P/Vol-LX dated 15.06.2018.
Of late, a large number of representations have been received in our HQrs office regarding incorrect revision of 7th CPC PPOs in cases where posts have been upgraded. In this context, it is intimated that Min. of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Deptt of P&PW has already clarified vide OM F.No. 38/37/08-P&W (A) dated 11.02.2009 that the benefit of upgradation of posts subsequent to their retirement would not be admissible.
In view of the above, the same would also be applicable on 7th CPC revision of Pre-2016 pensioners/family pensioners.
(Sandeep Thakur)
Addl.CDA (P)
Read/Download PCDA (circular No.189) No.G1/C/0199/Vol-II/Tech dated 11th July 2018.
Also go through the following PCDA circulars
Restoration of pension in respect of Defence Personnel – PCDA Circular 602
Pre-2006 Pensioners (JCOs/ORs and Commissioned Officers) – PCDA Circular 597