Minutes of the Inter-Ministerial review meeting to review pending Family pension/Pensioners’ grievances

Minutes of the Inter-Ministerial review meeting to review pending Family pension/Pensioners’ grievances in CPENGRAMS portal
File No. 14 /2/2020-DOPPW (Coord)-E.6470
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare
8th Floor, B- Wing,
Janpath Bhawan. Janpath,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 03.09.2021
Subject: Minutes of the Inter-Ministerial review meeting through Video Conference held on August 26, 2021 at 03.00 PM to review pending Family pension / Pensioners’ grievances in CPENGRAMS portal.
In pursuance of 106h report of Department related Parliamentary Standing Committee report emphasizing on speedy disposal of pension grievances especially lodged by family pensioners and Super Sr. Pensioners (80 years and above), Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DOPPW) convened a Inter-Ministerial review meeting through Video Conference (VC) with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Coal. Department of Defence Finance, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) on August 26, 2021 at 03:00PM in order to ensure timely and qualitative disposal of grievances registered in CPENGRAMS by Family Pensioners. 97 family pensioner’s grievances, as per portal, pertaining to aforesaid 6 Ministry/ Department / Organisation were taken up in the Inter Ministerial Review meeting conducted through VC.
2. Following officers attended the Video Conference:
- Shri Naresh Bhardwaj, Deputy Secretary/DOPPW and Convenor of the Video Conference
- Shri Anil Bansal, Director (NIC), DOPPW
- Sh. Sudhir Kumar Rai, Director (Pers-Coord), MHA
- Sh. Arun Kumar Dhyani US (IT &Coord-II), MHA
- Sh. M.V. Balasubramanian, SO/ (P&S-II), Ministry of Coal
- Sh. Vijay Samantha, US (Coord), Ministry of Coal
- Sh. Shanta Guha, Asstt. Coal Controller(Admin),Coal Controller Organization, Ministry of Coal
- Sh. Mohit Sharma, IDAS, Sr. ACGDA, CGDA, Department of Defence Finance
- Sh. S.M. Joshi, Additional Director, Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
- Ms. Supriya Singh, Assistant C&AG, Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG)
- Shri Rajendra Kumar Dutta, Under Secretary (Coord), DOPPW
3. Brief of discussions and action points are as follows:
- Ministry of Home Affairs- 39 Family Pension cases pending more than 45 days were considered in review meeting. Representatives of MHA informed that out of 39 cases 5 cases are pending. 34 cases have since been disposed of by MHA. The chair directed that the cases other than Central Government Civil Pensioners like Freedom Fighter Pension, DNK project pension etc. may be taken up separately by concerned division and resolved under intimation to petitioner. Such cases may be closed with speaking order in the portal and resolved as per procedure in vogue.
- Ministry of Coal– As per Agenda of meeting, there were 12 Family Pension Cases pending more than 45 days. Representatives of Ministry of Coal and its subordinate organization attended the Inter-Ministerial Review meeting. Out of 12 cases, 5 cases have been disposed-of by and 7 cases are still pending as per portal. The chair directed that it is responsibility of nodal ministry to take review meeting on pending pension grievances with subordinate organisations functioning under them. Ministry of Coal stated that they would shortly conduct review meeting with subordinate organisations for speedy and qualitative disposal of pension grievances.
- Department of Defence Finance-As per Agenda of meeting, there were 07 Family Pension cases pending more than 45 days. Asstt. CGDA attended the review meeting and informed that out of 7 cases, 5 cases have since been disposed off. However, 2 family pension cases are pending as per portal. The chair directed to resolve the remaining 2 cases and upload status on portal
- Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)– As per Agenda of meeting, there were 06 Family Pension Cases pending more than 45 days. Nodal officer CBDT attended the Review meeting and informed that 1 case is disposed off. 5 cases are still pending as per portal. The chair directed to resolve these family pension cases at the earliest and upload the ATR in portal.
- Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG)- As per Agenda of meeting, there were 06 Family Pension Cases pending more than 45 days. Asstt., C&AG attended the review meeting and informed that 4 cases are disposed off. 2 cases are still pending as per portal. The chair directed to resolve these family pension cases at the earliest and upload the ATR in portal.
- Central Vigilance Commission (CVC): As per Agenda of meeting, there O09 Family Pension Cases were pending in the portal. CVC informed that all 9 cases have been disposed of in the portal.
4. In pursuance of internal case study and interaction in video conference, the chair directed the following:
- It has been observed that many cases are pending in portal since the matter is sub-judice. Such type of cases may be closed in the portal with details / clear remarks that it is already under adjudication in the CAT/Court and decision would be taken as per the finalization of the case.
- It has been observed that many cases are pending in portal as policy amendment is in process. In this regard, it is stated that a grievance is required be disposed of within the parameter of existing rules. In cases where any policy amendment is under consideration, administrative office may close such grievance in the portal by providing details to the pensioners with the approval of competent authority.
- All Ministry / Departments to adhere time limit of 45days (copy of DARPG OM dated 22.6.2021 attached) to resolve the grievances. In case it is likely to take longer time to redress, an interim reply with reasons for delay must be sent to the petitioner and also uploaded in the portal.
- All Ministry / Departments to adhere time limit of 30 days (copy of DOPPW OM dated 6.8.2021 attached) to resolve the grievances pertaining to Family pensioner and Super Sr. Pensioners (80 years and above). In case it is likely to take longer time to redress, an interim reply with reasons for delay may be sent to the petitioner and also uploaded in the portal.
- All Ministries/ Departments may ensure that grievances are closed only after the complete resolution of the grievance.
- If the grievance pertains to subordinate organisation, the case may be forwarded to concerned office. However, it is Ministry/ Department’s responsibility to follow up the matter with subordinate units for final resolution and ensure that ATR in this regard is uploaded in the portal.
- For speedy disposal of grievances, concerned Department / sub-ordinate organisation may contact the concerned pensioners on the mobile number or email as available in the System.
- Every grievance is to be disposed within the existing rules. In certain cases, if the grievance/ demand of pensioners in not within existing rules, administrative authority must upload a Speaking/reasoned order in the portal clarifying the rule position in the subject matter.
5. Video Conference ended with vote of thanks to the chair.
Encl: As above was
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