Provisional family pension to the dependants of CG employees who died in harness due to covid

Grant of provisional family pension to the dependants of Central government employees who died in harness due to covid – Confederation
Ref: Confdn/Pension/Covid
Dated – 27.05.2021
The Secretary,
Department of Pension and Pensioner Welfare
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi. 110 001.
Dear Sir,
Sub :- Grant of provisional family pension to the dependants of Central government employees who died in harness due to covid.
As you are aware, a number of Central Government employees died since November, 2019, having been afflicted with the corona covid 19 virus. The grant of family pension and other retirement benefits in their cases get delayed due to the delay in the completion of procedural formalities such as obtaining the medical certificate from the hospital where the concerned employees had undergone treatment, establishing the relationship etc. This apart, the lack of staff in the accounting formations of the concerned department also adds to the delay. This being unavoidable the dependant family members suffer.
We, therefore, request that the concerned heads of departments may be temporarily authorised to grant provisional pension and other retirement benefits to the dependants of such employees who dies due to covid 19. The heads of Departments may be asked to obtain the requisite undertaking from the dependant beneficiaries in order to enable him to recover any excess payment when the final dues are worked out.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
R. N. Parashar
Secretary General.
Source : Confederation