Provision in CPENGRAMS for entering address of grievance registering Pensioners’ Associations: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting

Provision in CPENGRAMS for entering address of grievance registering Pensioners’ Associations: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting
[DoP&PW OM No. 42/11/2023-P&PW(D) dated 03.04.2024]
Sub:- Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi-reg
Previous: (33.6) Non-Revision of CGHS rates
(33.7) Provision in CPENGRAMS for entering address of grievance registering Pensioners’ Associations
There is no column for furnishing the address of the Pensioners’ Association which has registered the grievance while there is a provision for entering address of the Pensioner. Therefore the offices which dispose of the grievances are sending their replies intended for the Pensioners Association to the address of the pensioner. Accordingly, a provision may be made in the grievance registration form for entering the address of the grievance registering pensioners’ association also.
Discussion/Decision taken in the meeting
It was informed in the meeting that CPENGRAMS has the facilities for Pensioners Associations (PAs) to register the grievance by login into CPENGRAMS by the credentials provided to them. So if, registered associations lodged the grievances through their credentials then their address is automatically captured from the registration details.
In view of the above, the item was closed.