Procedure for releasing family pension in case of missing pensioner: PCDA(P)

Procedure for releasing family pension in case of missing pensioner: PCDA(P) Circular No. 221 dated 07.10.2021
Circular No. 221
No. AT/Tech/047/Vol‐II
Dated: 07/10/2021
Sub: Procedure for releasing family pension in case of missing pensioner.
Ref: Defence Pension Payment Instructions(DPPI)‐2013 Para 97.1. to 97.2.
Attention of all Pension Disbursing Authorities making the payment of pension to the Armed Forces/Defence Civilian Pensioners and their families towards releasing Family Pension to the family of missing service/family pensioners.
2. Ministry of Defence, Department of Ex‐Servicemen Welfare and this office HQrs Office (0/o the CGDA, New Delhi) have expressed their concern on procedure of releasing family pension in case of missing pensioner as complaints are being received regarding inordinate delay in the process. In this regard, provisions have already been contained under Para 97.1 to 97.2 of Defence Pension Payment Instructions (DPP) 2013. It has been stipulated in the Defence Pension Payment Instructions (DPPI)‐2013 that “Where the family pension has been jointly notified in the PPO of the missing pensioner and the pensioner has been reported as missing, the Principal CDA (Pension) shall authorize payment of family pension and commuted value of Pension if not received by the pensioner by issuing ‘Payment Authority’ on receipt of under mentioned documents;
(i) Application for authorization of family pension
(ii) Copy of FIR
(iii) Final Investigation Report (iv)‐and Indemnity Bond
(v) Details of last payment made to the missing pensioner by the concerned Pension Disbursing Authority.
The power for accepting Indemnity Bond has been delegated to the CDA. After transfer on Pension Establishment, pensioner is in regular touch of Pension Disbursing Authority to draw his/her pension, for his annual life certification, pension revision based on circulars etc.
Payment details as well as last paid details are available with concerned Pension Disbursing Authorities. Hence, family pension claims in such cases are required to be preferred by the concerned Pension Disbursing Authority from where service/family pensioner last drawn his pension/family pension. It would be worthwhile to mention that after transferring on pension establishment, concerned Pension Disbursing Authority can establish the genuineness of the missing pensioner for authorization of family pension in missing pensioner’s cases.
Therefore, keeping in view the problems being faced by the family of missing pensioners, there is acute need for preferment of family pension claim alongwith above mentioned documents without delay so that sanction for payment of family pension may be accorded and ‘Payment Authority’ may be issued by this office to enable the family to get the family pension as quickly as possible. Therefore, as and when any case is come to the notice of the concerned Pension Disbursing Authority, following action may please be taken:
SINo. | Nature of case | Action on the part of family of the missing Pensioner | Action on the part of concerned Record/Head of Office | Action on the part of concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority | Action on the part of concerned Pension Disbursing Authority |
1. | In case of Missing personnel during service | Family of the missing personnel will intimate to the concerned Record / Head of Office about the disappearance of service personnel along with documentary evidence such as FIR, Police Report on FIR, Final Investigation Report of the Police Authority and an Indemnity Bond. | Concerned Record/Head of Office will initiate Family Pension claim and furnish the same to the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority. | On receipt of family Pension claim, PPO will be notified and transmitted to concerned Pension Disbursing Authority under intimation to the claimant and concerned Record /Head of Office. | On receipt of PPO, concerned Pension Disbursing Authority will take necessary action for identification of the claimant/ family pensioner and make the payment of pensionary benefits |
2. | In case of missing Pensioner where name of Spouse has already been jointly notified in the Service PPO. | Family of the missing personnel will arrange –
(i) Application for authorization of family pension (ii) Copy of FIR (iii) Final Investigation Report (iv) An Indemnity Bond and submit the same to the concerned paying Branch/ Pension Disbursing Authority for submission of the same to the Audit Section of PCDA(P) Allahabad |
On receipt of
application and documents (i) to (iv), concerned Pension Disbursing Authority will submit the same to Audit section of PCDA(P) Allahabad along with last Payment Certificate indicating last pension paid up to which date & rate. |
On receipt of family pension claim, PCDA(P) Allahabad will accord sanction, issue Payment Authority and transmit the same to the concerned Pension Disbursing Authority under intimation to Concerned family pensioner through Regd/Speed Post. |
On receipt of ‘Payment Authority’, concerned Pension Disbursing Authority will take necessary action for
identification of the claimant/ family pensioner and make the payment of pensionary benefits duly adjusting Overpayment/ Demand, if any. |
3. | In case of missing Pensioner where name of Spouse has not been jointly notified in the Service PPO | Family of the missing personnel will intimate to the concerned Record/Head of Office about the disappearance of service personnel along with documentary evidence such as FIR, Final Investigation Report on FIR, Indemnity Bond and Last Payment Certificate issued by Concerned Pension Disbursing Authority. | Concerned Record/Head of Office will initiate Family Pension claim and furnish the Family Pension claim to the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority for notification of PPO. | On receipt of family pension claim, Family
Pension PPO will be notified and transmitted to concerned Pension Disbursing Authority under intimation to the claimant and concerned Record Office /Head of Office. |
On receipt of PPO, concerned Pension Disbursing
Authority will take necessary action for identification of the claimant/ family pensioner and make the payment of pensionary benefits with reference to Last Payment Certificate issued by them. |
4. | In case where after issuance of the PPO, Pensioner died/missing before receiving the pensionary benefits (death/ missing after retirement cases) | In the case of Death of the Service Pensioner:‐ Family of the deceased pensioner will submit an application to the Concerned Pension Disbursing Authority alongwith copy of Death Certificate for
commencement of family pension and payment of pensionary benefits notified in favour of pensioner which were not received by the service pensioner due to death. In case of Missing of the Service Pensioner: In case of missing/ disappearance of the Service pensioner, the family of missing pensioner‐will submit: (i)‐ Application for authorization of family pension‐ (ii)‐ Copy of FIR (iii)‐Final Investigation Report (iv)‐An Indemnity Bond ‐ to the concerned Paying Branch/Pension Disbursing Authority for submission of the same to the Audit Section of PCDA(P) Allahabad for authorization of the family pension and issuance of ‘Payment Authority’. |
(a)‐ After obtaining‐ (i)‐Application for authorization of family pension
(ii)‐ Copy of FIR (iii)‐Final Investigation Report (iv)‐and Indemnity Bond from the family of the missing pensioner, concerned Paying Branch/Pension Disbursing Authority will forward the same to the Audit Section of PCDA(P) Allahabad for authorization of the family pension and issuance of ‘Payment Authority’. (b)‐Capitalized Value and pension arrears will be paid as per nomination. DCRG will be paid only on receipt of fresh PPO in favour of recipient/ recipients. For payment of DCRG, concerned Pension Disbursing Authority shall advise to family members of the deceased pensioner to contact with concerned Record/Head of Office for initiation of DCRG claim to concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority.. |
Concerned Record/Head of Office will initiate DCRG claim as per nomination made by the service pensioner and forward the same to the concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority for notification of PPO. | On receipt of DCRG claim, concerned Pension Sanctioning Authority will notify DCRG as per nomination and PPO will be forwarded to concerned Pension Disbursing Authority making the payment. |
Keeping in view the facts, all Pension Disbursing Authorities, Record Offices/Head of Offices and concerned Pension Sanctioning Authorities are requested to take action accordingly. Regarding formalities to be completed by family of the missing/deceased pensioners, family/claimant of the missing/deceased pensioners, they may be advised appropriately for completion of required documents and submission of the same to the concerned authority for immediate notification/authorization of pensionary benefits so that they may get their dues in time.
(Abhishek Singh)
Dy. Controller (Pensions)