Pension Adalat by CPAO in Hybrid Mode (Physically/Virtually) to be held on 20th November, 2023 at Shillong

Pension Adalat by Central Pension and Accounting Office (CPAO) in Hybrid Mode (Physically/Virtually) to be held on 20th November, 2023 at Shillong
Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO)
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi- 110066
Pension Adalat by Central Pension and Accounting Office at Shillong
All Central Civil Pensioners are informed that CPAO, D/o Expenditure, M/o Finance, Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 is going to organize a Pension Adalat, which will be held on 20th November, 2023 through hybrid mode (Physically and Virtually) at Brahmaputra Hall, HQ, DG Assam Rifles, Old DGAR Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793011(Meghalaya). This Pension Adalat is going to be organized especially for those Pensioners who either have retired from North East Region or have been Settled/Residing in North East Region.
Therefore, all Central Civil Pensioners/Family Pensioners (except Railway, Defence, Post and Telegraph) may visit CPAO website to register their grievances or send their grievances duly filled in the prescribed format through e-mail to [email protected] or via post to Sr. Accounts Officer, Pensioners Facilitation Cell of this office by 15th November, 2023. The prescribed format is available at CPAO website. To participate in Pension Adalat, a link will be sent by CPAO one day before the Pension Adalat on the registered mobile number or e-mail for those pensioners who will join through Video Conferencing.
The resolution of grievance registered will be done for those who will attend the Pension Adalat physically/virtually on 20th November 2023. Kindly mention your PPO Number, Bank Account Number, Contact Address, Mobile Number, e-mail ID and mode of joining the Pension Adalat (Physically/Virtually) along with your grievance. If the grievance is being sent by post, then “Pension Adalat-2023 (NE)” may be superscripted on the envelope.
Chief Controller (Pensions)
Source: CPAO