Pending cases of Joint Notification in respect of retired Armed Force Personnel

Pending cases of Joint Notification in respect of retired Armed Force Personnel: PCDA Circular No. 657 dated 11.01.2022
Government of India
MY Ministry of Defence (Finance)
Circular No. 657
Date: 11.01.2022
The O/C
Record/PAO (ORs)
Sub:- Regarding pending cases of Joint Notification.
Ref:- This office Circular No. 647 & 655 dated18.08.2021 and 30.12.2021 respectively.
The cited circulars under reference were issued for implementation of project SPARSH where it had been directed by Ministry of Defence that all Defence Pensioners/Organization should be rolled out on the web based comprehensive pension package system i.e. SPARSH and no fresh sanction will be done through legacy system after rollout of SPARSH. Hence the data of retired Armed Force Personnel before 31.08.2021 is being migrated from Legacy system to SPARSH under phase wise manner.
2. Now, it has come to notice that a large number of data updation of joint notification of pension has been pending at the level of Record Offices which were already been forwarded to ADG, MP8 for resolving the pendency before migration of these data to SPARSH to avoid any inconvenience to the beneficiaries.
3. In view of above, Record Offices are directed to explore and submit all the pending claims of joint notification in respect of retired Armed Force Personnel to this office on priority basis for issuance of necessary Corr. PPO before migration of their data to SPARSH to avoid any inconvenience to claimants of family pension at a later stage.
4. This circular has been uploaded on this office website for dissemination across the all concerned.
5. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.
6. Hindi version will follow.
No. Gts/Tech/302/SPARSH/e-PPO/Vol-I
Dated 11.01.2022
(Rajendra Kumar Gupta)
Source: PCDA