Pendency noticed on SPARSH module in r/o NIP & IP retirees – PCDA

Pendency noticed on SPARSH module in r/o NIP & IP retirees – PCDA seeks monthly report of pension cases on SPARSH submitted upto 25th of every month
Ministry of Defence
रक्षा लेखा प्रधान नियंत्रक (पश्चिमी कमान) चण्डीगढ़
FAX No-0172-2741611-14
No. Pay/I/1005/SPARSH
Date: 20 /04/2022
- AAO (P) WC, Delhi Cantt
- AAO (P) WC, Pathankot
- AAO (P) WC, Jalandhar Cantt
- All AO GEs under PCDA (WC) Chandigarh
Sub:- Pendency noticed on SPARSH module in r/o NIP & IP retirees.
Ref: – Video conference organized by HQrs office on date 19/04/2022
A meeting through VC was organized by HQrs office on 19/04/2022 at Addl. CGDA level on SPARSH module in respect of Defence Civilians and during the meeting it was pointed out by the HQrs office that there is very low progress in the SPARSH cases especially in r/o NIP and IP retirees and Addl. CGDA has directed this office to Speed up the processing of pending cases through liaison with unit authorities.
In view of the above, all AAO (P) and sub offices are advised to take proactive action to clear all the pending cases of Defence civilians in r/o NIP and IP retirees and also sensitize the executive authorities regarding the importance of SPARSH module as the progress is being watched at CGDA/MoD level.
Further, it is also advised that the monthly reports of pension cases on SPARSH may be submitted to this office upto 25th of every month positively, so that the consolidated report may be submitted to HQrs office on due date.
PCDA (WC) has seen.
ACDA (Pay)
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