Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a govt servant during service

Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a government servant during service – CBIC OM
F.No.C-30013/12/2021-Ad. IVA
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
1st floor, A wing, Hudco Vishala Building
Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi
Dated the June, 2021
Subject: Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a government servant during service – Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that in these troubled times of COVID-19 pandemic, amidst the rising number of casualties among government employees, it is incumbent on the Government to ensure that the family pension and other entitlements in respect of the deceased employees are released to their families expeditiously.
2. Considering that the completion of process of family pension and its disbursement through the bank may take a long time, DOP&PW had issued an OM No 1/11/2020-P&PW(E) dated 29.07.2020 allowing for relaxation of Rule 80-A of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 to the extent that if a claim for family pension in Form 14 along with death certificate and bank account details of the claimant have been received and the Head of Office is satisfied about the bonafide nature of the claim, he shall sanction provisional family pension immediately without waiting to forward the case to the PAO. The PAO shall also release the provisional family pension on the basis of sanction order issued by the Head of Office without insisting for any other documents including service book.
3. In view of the above, all offices under CBIC are requested to strictly comply with the rules/instructions as brought out above and to ensure that payment of provisional family pension is commenced by the Head of Office immediately on receipt of the claim (with death certificate) from the eligible family member and payment of provisional death gratuity is made to the nominees/family members immediately after forwarding the case to the PAO.
4. Simultaneously, in pursuance of DOP&PW OM No 1/11/2021-P&PW(E) dated 03.06.2021, action may be taken on priority basis for disbursement of regular family pension through the Bank and for payment of other entitlements of the family on death of the Government servant. It may be ensured that the PPO for family pension is issued and disbursement of regular family pension is commenced by the Bank not later than one month of the receipt of the claim for family pension.
5. Further, all offices under CBIC are requested to submit a monthly statement on 1st of every month to the Board in the following format so that a consolidated statement of the Department may be submitted to DOP&PW by 10th of every month as per DOP&PW OM No 1/11/2021-P&PW(E) dated 03.06.2021.
Name & Designation of Government servant died since 1.1.2020 | Date on which provisional family pension and provisional gratuity were sanctioned | Date on which PPO was issued | Date on which other entitlements were paid | Reasons for the delays, if any, and remedial action taken to avoid delays in future |
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6. The following OMs have been annexed for ready reference.
a) DOP&PW OM No 1/11/2021-P&PW(E) dated 03.06.2021
b) DOP&PW OM No 1/11/2020-P&PW(E) dated 29.07.2020
(Biswajit Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India