Online Return Process of pension cases from CPAO to Pay and Accounts Office

Online Return Process of pension cases from CPAO to Pay and Accounts Office: CPAO OM dated 20.10.2023
NEW DELHI-110066
CPAO/IT&TECH/e-PPO/6 Vol-X(A)/2023-24/ 129
Dated: 20.10.2023
Office Memorandum
Subject: Online Return Process of pension cases from CPAO to Pay and Accounts Office.
In the prevailing scenario ePPOs received in CPAO are available in pdf form in EPPS utility at PAO login in CPAO. These E-PPOs are processed with reference to physical booklet and other checks. If there is any error in the ePPO or physical booklet, it returns back to PAO through offline mode, which automatically deletes in transit, resulting in hardship to Pay & Accounts Office to take corrective action and further resubmit the case to CPAO along with e-PPO.
Considering above, to obviate this problem and speedy settlement of pension cases, O/o CGA & CPAO have jointly developed an online revert flow process of pension cases from CPAO to PAO. In this regard an OM circulated by O/o CGA vide No. 1-95/4/2020-ITD-CGA (E994)/273-313 dated 15.09.2023 (available on CGA website). According to the OM, if a pension case with e-PPO is returned by CPAO will now be available in PAO Login in the Pension Menu of PFMS.
Online return flow of pension cases (ePPO) from CPAO to PAO has been deployed successfully in CPAO (EPPS) and will be started w.e.f. 20.10.2023. Utility for the same is available at PAO level in CPAO. The following procedure may be followed by all authorisation sections in CPAO for online return flow:
1. A Return button which is available at present in EPPS in disabled mode will be enabled for returning of e-PPOs to PAOs. The return reasons have been standardized in consultation with the Office of CGA to be operative in CPAO. As and when the return button will be clicked, the standardized list of return reasons will be opened.
2. PAO who is dealing with the case has to select the specific return reason (one or more) from the list after proper scrutiny of the case in one go.
All authorization sections, CPAO are instructed to Strictly follow this User manual (attached) and process the cases as mentioned above for successful implementation of return flow of e-PPO and avoid delay in processing of pension cases.
This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pension).
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & TECH)
Source: CPAO