Issues related to SPARSH – Pension profile Data and Non-payment of additional pension: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting

Issues related to SPARSH – Delay in Pension profile Data verification and Upgradation and Non-payment of additional pension even after completion of 80 years: Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting
[DoP&PW OM No. 42/11/2023-P&PW(D) dated 03.04.2024]
Sub:- Minutes of the 33rd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024, at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi-reg
Previous: (33.9) Delay in restoration of commutation amount by Pension Disbursing Banks even after completion of 15 years of retirement.
(33.10) Issues related to SPARSH
i) Delay in Pension profile Data verification and Upgradation:
It is observed that Pensioners data verification is not done even after one and half years with SPARSH. In all matters, the portal advices to contact your HOO. Change of name of HOO and address is not done in SPARSH PPOs in spite of several requests, hence, causing undue hardship to Pensioners.
ii) Non-payment of additional pension even after completion of 80 years.
PDAs like Banks and SPARSH are not paying additional 20% even after completion of 80 years. Suitable instruction may please be issued for compliance of the system.
Discussion/Decision taken in the meeting
Shri Sham Dev, Pr. Controller (PCDA) informed that Pensioner data verification is being done when pensioner portal account is created and accordingly user name and password is shared with pensioner. However, pensioners are not being provided access to change their office name/financial part. As and when issues are reported, the same are being rectified by PCDA(P) office. HOO being the custodian of service records of pensioners, the Correct PPO or any data can be notified/updated through request initiated/updated or approved by HOO/PAO.
Regarding non-payment of additional pension on completion of 80 years, 1t was informed there are approx. 3.8 lakh cases where Date of Birth (DoB) of pensioners or family pensioners is not available. However, the Department has taken following action in this regard:
(a) In about, 1.4 lakh cases where only Year of Birth is available, the year of birth is being converted to DoB as 1st January of next year as per rules/orders.
(b) The list of missing DoB in about 2.4 lakh cases has been shared with Records Offices for updation. The Department is also updating DoB on case to case basis as per availability based on inputs from pensioners.
In view of the above, the item was closed.