Inconsistencies in Medical Facilities for Widowed/Divorced/Unmarried Dependent Daughters of Deceased Railway Employees: BPS

Inconsistencies in Medical Facilities for Widowed/Divorced/Unmarried Dependent Daughters of Deceased Railway Employees: BPS
(All India Federation of Pensioners’ Associations)
2/13-A – LGF Backside, Jangpura – ‘A’, New Delhi – 110 014
No. SCM/ND/00 1/2024
Date: 20.06.2024
Sh. Ashwini Vaishnav,
The Honourable Railway Minister, GOI
Dr. Shri Jitender Singh,
The Honourable MOS (Independent Charge),
Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India
Ms. Jaya Verma Sinha,
The CEO/Chairperson (Railway Board), Ministry of Railways
Sh. V. Srinivas,
The Secretary, GOI M/O Personnel, AR, PG & Pensions
Subject: Inconsistencies in Medical Facilities for Widowed/Divorced/Unmarried Dependent Daughters of Deceased Railway Employees
Reference: Government of India, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) letter No. RBE 69/2014 dated 7.7.2014 & RBE No. 64/2022 dated 10.06.2022; BPS letter No. BPS/SG/FP/24/7 dated 25.2.2024; File No. CR-HQOPERS(PICD)/ 1/2022-O/o DYCPOIT/HQ/CR Central Railway Headquarters Office, Personnel Branch, MUMBAI – CST No. CR/P/ HQ.C Bills/RELHS Corres. Date: .05.2024; SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY Divisional Office, Personnel Branch, No. SCR/P-GTL/498/Pass Guntakal, Date: 11.06.2024.
Respected Sir/Madam,
The issue under reference was discussed in the 33rd Meeting of the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 22.02.2024 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi as item no. 33.1. During this meeting, the Railway administration indicated that the Ministry of Railways is examining the issue and that a clarificatory circular would be issued soon. However, to date, no such clarification has been issued by the Railway Board.
In the meantime, Central Railway has issued a clarification via File No. CR-HQOPERS(PICD)/1/2022-O/o DYCPOIT/ HOQ/CR Central Railway Headquarters Office, Personnel Branch, MUMBAI – CST No. CR/P/HQ.C Bills/RELHS Corres. Date: .05.2024. This clarification permits the benefit of RELHS (Retired Employees Liberalised Health Scheme) as well as the benefit of a widow pass, applicable to the Central Railway Zone. In contrast, South Central Railway, vide their Divisional Office, Personnel Branch, No. SCR/P-GTL/498/Pass Guntakal, Date: 11.06.2024, permits only the widow pass and, NWRly permits non.
Under these circumstances, the dependent daughters of deceased railway employees, who are in receipt of a family pension after the death of both parents, continue to suffer due to the lack of uniformity and clarity on the benefits available to them.
We request that the Railway Board urgently issue a clear and consistent policy on this matter to alleviate the suffering of these dependent family pensioners.
Thanking you,
With regards,
Yours truly,
S.C. Maheshwari
Secretary General, Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS)
Source: BPS