Highlights of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare during 2015

Highlights of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare during 2015 – The retiring employees may, voluntary, submit write-up along with the pension application form.
Following are the highlights of the achievements of Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare during the year 2015:
‘Anubhav’ is a platform for retiring government employees to share their experience of working the Government and for showcasing commendable work done during service. It is envisaged that this would provide satisfaction to the retiring employees and also act as motivator for serving employees. Over time this will build up a wealth of useful suggestions. This would also provide an excellent opportunity to harness the resource of retiring employees for voluntary contribution to nation building post retirement.
The retiring employees may, voluntary, submit write-up along with the pension application form. Necessary amendments have been made to the checklist attached to Form 5 under Rule 59 of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. A webpage has been created which can be accessed from the website of the Department of Pension (persmin.nic.in/pension.asp).
The software application was demonstrated on 23.02.2015 and tested on the first lot of retirees during the pre-retirement counselling workshop (PRC) organized by the Department on 26.2.2015. To sensitize the Ministries /Departments, Awareness Workshops on ‘Anubhav’ have been organized by this Department on 24th March, 2015 and on 24th April, 2015 in New Delhi.
Bhavishya is an online tracking system for pension sanction and payment. By keeping track of the progress of each pension case, it introduces transparency and accountability into the system thereby plugging delays. This benefits the retiring employees, pensioners and the administration equally.
The system allows online filing of application of pension by the retiring employees, encapsulates the Pension Rules required for processing pension cases and generates all forms and reports necessary for finalizing pension cases as well as needed for monitoring by the Departments.
Bhavishya is being implemented in main secretariat of 83 Ministries/Departments and 22 attached offices involving 792 Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) till December 30, 2015, which are in various stages of processing pension cases of 4759 retiring employees. This is being scaled up to cover all 9000 DDOs spread across the country.
In order to spread awareness of Bhavishya application the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare conducted an Awareness Workshop on ‘Bhavishya’ under the auspices of Hon’ble MOS (PP) on 26th November, 2015 in Plenary Hall, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi. The workshop was designed for Heads of Office/Drawing and Disbursing Officers of all ministries/departments including those of attached and subordinate offices located in Delhi. Around 1200 participant attended the Workshop.
Pensioners’ Portal
Pensioners’ Portal is the one stop solution for all information needs of the pensioners. The Portal also provides for registration of pensioners’ grievances through the Centralized Pension Grievance Registration and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS). During the year (upto 15.12.2015) 16683 grievances were received and 14354 were disposed, leaving a balance of 2329.
Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)
A Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) functions under the Chairmanship of MOS (PP) to provide feedback on the implementation of policies/ programmes of this Department besides mobilizing voluntary effort to supplement the Government action. SCOVA meeting was held in October, 2015 which was attended by representatives of various Pensioners’ Associations and the Ministries/Departments.
Source: PIB