Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” and “family pension” on Bhavishya Portal: CPWD

Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” and “family pension” cases shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal: CPWD OM dated 02.05.2024
एफ नंबर 12/5/2024-ईसी 7/ 214(हि.)
भारत सरकार
आवसन एवं शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय,
केन्द्रीय लोक निर्माण विभाग
निर्माण भवन-110011
दिनांक: 2.5.24
Subject: Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” and “family pension” cases shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal-reg.
The undersigned is directed to inform that on the Dashboard of the Bhavishya portal it is reflecting 165 officials as “retired but their PPO has not been issued” (Annexure-A) and 90 officials as “family pension” cases (Annexure-B) (copy enclosed).
2. As per the status available on “Bhavishya Portal’, the online pension sanction and tracking system, PPOs (165 cases of superannuation & 90 cases of Family Pension) (copy enclosed) have still not been issued despite the instructions of the Government that all retirement benefits shall be disbursed on the date of retirement and fixed timelines have been prescribed in the CCS(pension) Rules, 2021 for completion of each activity for processing of pension and family pension cases. DoPPW is monitoring the pending cases in Bhavishya portal and will be holding the Themetic Pension Adalat at frequent intervals and this pendency will be discussed in the upcoming pension Adalat and the concerned HOO will be responsible for the delay in pension cases.
3. It has also been observed in the Directorate that some regions are not sending their reports in a consolidated manner after compilation, rather they are sending the reports of the Divisions/circles under their jurisdiction directly without compilation and some Regions have not given proper attention towards timely submission of reports on aforementioned subject in spite of many reminders and telephonic discussions. This leads to the situation where pending cases cannot be monitored in a proper manner due to lack of correct information from Regions. Therefore it is requested to send consolidated report in respect of Annexure-‘A’ and Annexure-‘B’ for the whole region after compilation to this Directorate as per proforma-A and Proforma-B through mail: [email protected] latest by 10.05.2024.
Encl: As Above.
(नीलांजन कर्मकार)
उप निदेशक (प्रशासन-VI)
1. All concerned SDGs/ADGs in CPWD (Through CPWD Website & through mails).
2. DDG(Pers.).
3. DDG(HR-II).
4. Director (Pers.).
नंबर 12/5/2024-ईसी 7 /234 (हि.)
भारत सरकार
आवासन एवं शहरी कार्य मंत्रालय
निर्माण भवन, नई दिल्ली-110011
दिनांक 13.5.24
Subject: Disposal of the pending cases pertaining to “Retired but PPO not issued” and “family pension cases” shown on HOO Dashboard of concerned office on Bhavishya Portal-reg. :
The undersigned is directed to refer to this directorate’s OM of even no. dated 02.05.2024 (copy enclosed) on the subject cited above and to say that the requisite information (Except Region Kochi, Region Bhopal, Region PRND, Region Jammu) has not been received till date.
2. It is once again requested to send consolidated report as per Annexure-‘A’ and Arnexure-‘B’ in respect of whole region after compilation to this Directorate as per Proforma-A and = Proforma-B-~ through = mail id:soec7cpwd[at]gmail.com latest by 17.05.2024.
3. This issues with the approval of competent Authority.
Encl: As above
(नीलांजन कर्मकार)
उप निदेशक (प्रशासन-VI)
All concerned SDGs/ADGs/DDGs/Director (Pers)
(Through CPWD Website & through mail)