Dependency criteria for grant of two family pensions
The Department of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare (P&PW) New Delhi, has invited to the OM No. 38/37/2008-PPW(A) dated 02.09.2008 wherein the dependency criterian was revised for eligibility of dependent parents, sons and daughters for receipt of family pension in terms of OM No. 45/86/97-P&PW (A) Part I dated 27.10.1997 and No. 45/51/97-P&PW(E) dated 05.03.1998.
Now the Deptt. of PPW, New Delhi, has considered the requests for clarification as to whether second family pension is admissible to a family pensioner who is already in receipt of an amount of family pension which is equal to or more than the dependency criterian. It has been decided and clarified that family pension admissible to a beneficiary in respect of one deceased employee/pensioner is not to be counted as income for the purpose of determination of eligibility for another family pension, which is admissible in connection with another deceased employee/pensioner. However, any other income/earning of the beneficiary under consideration will be counted towards income for deciding eligibility for family pension.
For complete details, download the OM No. 1/11/2011-P&PW(E) dated 30.11.2011.