Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2022 – Corrigendum: MHA

Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2022 – Corrigendum: MHA order dated 25.04.2022
Government of India/Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Home Affairs/Grih Mantralaya
Freedom Fighters & Rehabilitation Division
2nd Floor, NDCC-II Building,
Jai Singh Road, New Delhi – 110 001,
Dated, the 25th April 2022
The Pr. Chief Controller of Accounts(Home),
Ministry of Home Affairs,
MDCNS, New Delhi-110 001
Subject: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Freedom Fighter Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2022– regarding
I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.45/08/2017-FF(P) dated 8th April, 2022 (copy enclosed) regarding 32% Dearness Relief to be paid to the freedom fighter pensioners w.e.f, 01.01.2022 in which the figures shown against [i.e. Department parents/eligible daughters (maximum 3 daughters at any point of time)] under column 4 the amount 16380/- to 18900/- may be read as 17,160/- to 19,800/-). The corrected table reads as follows:
Sl No. | Category of freedom fighters | Basic amount of pension (per month) | Enhanced amount of pension after adding 32% DR (per month) w.e.f. 01.01.2022 |
1 | Ex-Andaman Political prisoners/spouses | Rs.30,000/- | Rs.39,600/- |
2 | Freedom fighters who suffered outside British India/spouses | Rs.28,000/- | Rs.36,960/- |
3 | Other Freedom fighters / spouses including INA | Rs.26,000/- | Rs.34,320/- |
4 | Dependent parents/ eligible daughters (maximum 3 daughters at any point of time) | 50% of the sum that would have been admissible to the freedom fighters, i.e. in the range of Rs.13,000/- to Rs.15,000/- | 50% of the sum that would have been admissible to the freedom fighters, ie. in the range of Rs.17,160/- to Rs.19,800/- |
2. Further, it is also clarified that as per Policy Guidelines dated 06.08.2014, TDS is not applicable in respect of Central Samman Pension.
3. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
(Meenu Batra)
Copy forwarded for information and similar action to:-
- Chief Controller of Accounts, Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO), Bhikaji Cama Place, Trikoot-II, Behind Hotel Hyatt. Regency, New Delhi-110 066.
- Chief Controller of Accounts (Pension and Misc.), 2/10, Jamnagar House, New Delhi-110 011.
- The Accounts Officer, Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi- 110 003.
- Chief Secretaries of all State Governments/UT Administrations.
- CPPCs of all 23 authorized banks (list attached).
- Private Secretary to JS(FFR).
- All Officers and staff of Freedom Fighter Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, NDCC-II Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110 001.
- PDMC, FFR Division, MHA.
- IT Cell, MHA, North Block — for uploading this letter on MHA’s website in the Document in Public Domain of FFR Division.
(Meena Batra)
Source: MHA