Upgradation of Senior Engineer (IT) to pay level-8: IRTSA Memo to DG (HR), Railway Board

Upgradation of Senior Engineer (IT) to pay level-8: IRTSA Memo to DG (HR), Railway Board dated 10.05.2024
Date: 10.05.2024
Director General (HR)
Railway Board,
Rail Bhavan, New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Upgradation of Senior Engineer (IT) to pay level-8.
Ref: Railway Board order No. PC-VII/2019/RSRP/3 (RBE NO.155/2022) dated 17/11/2022.
1) IRTSA submits following for your kind and favourable consideration about non-inclusion of Senior Engineer (IT)in 50% upgradation granted to senior supervisors of various departments vide Railway Board order RBE No. 155/2022 dated 17.11.2022 aiming for improving the promotional avenues of the Supervisory Staff on the Railways.
2) SE IT plays vital IT departments, in a nutshell, is responsible for development, procurement, execution, maintenance, upgradation, distribution, coordination, investigation, evaluation, etc. on all IT related matters in Zonal HQ/Divisions/Workshops and PUs. All sanctioning authorities and user departments need to keep in consideration above mentioned role of IT centre on proposing of IT related projects, procurements, software and hardware structures, etc. Various types of WEB application in Indian railway like AIMS-IPAS for all bill related work, ROAMS in Workshop, HRMS related works, IMMS & UDM (Stores and Tendering) IRCWMS, TAMS etc all are managed by CRIS and operated by user department. Centralized softwares developed from external agencies always lacks software support, IT engineers provides technical inputs for smooth operations of various software packages like AIMS, HRMS, TAMS etc.
3) “Cyber Security” is the most important activity managed by Senior Engineer (IT) in Railways which cannot be outsourced and will be more beneficial if it is manage by Railways in-house. Senior Engineers & Junior Engineers (IT) in IT cadre not only supervise the software development in IT projects but also monitor the technical software bugs in software system. They inspects the hardware equipment in IT centers as per technical specification mentioned while placing the orders during new purchase.
4) Railway Board vide their letter No:ERB-I/2011/25/4 dated 14.07.2011, reorganized Gazetted and non-Gazetted posts of Railway Board Computer Cadre to develop, own, operate and maintain Railway Board’s IT centre. Vide Para 6.v. of the letter, all then existing posts in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600 has been placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.4800 and vide para 6.vi, all then existing posts in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200 has been placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600. Para 10 of the letter also asked for initiation of similar exercise of Cadre restructuring of IT cadres in all Railways in line with Railway Board’s letter. But Zonal Railways or Production Units didn’t implement cadre structure in IT centre similar to that exists in Railway Board.
5) Cadre restructure of IT cadre in zonal Railways & PUs was implemented with reference to RBE No 49/2017, No.2016/AC-II(CC)/37/9, dated 18.04.2017. Senior Engineer/IT and Junior Engineer/IT has been restructured in percentage of 67:33 respectively in accordance with the percentage implemented for Technical Supervisors vide Board’s letter No. PC-III/2013/CRC/4 dated 08.10.2013 (RBE No. 102/2013). Cadre restructuring for IT staff was not implemented from 1st Nov 2013 as done in the case of Technical Supervisors and other Group ’C’ posts vide Board’s letter dated 08.10.2013.
6) RBE No.155/2022 implemented following upgrading for Technical Supervisors and other department supervisors w.e.f. 01.12.2022, leaving out Senior Engineer(IT). 50% of sanctioned posts in level-7were upgraded to level-8 w.e.f. 01.12.2022 and on completion of four years of service in level-8, 50% of posts in level-8 will be upgraded (non-functional) to level-9 as shown below,
01.12.2022 | 50% of posts in Level-7 | 50% posts in Level-8 |
01.12.2026 | 50% of posts in Level-7 | 25% of posts in Level-825% of posts in Level-9 (Non functional financial upgradation) |
a) In the era of information technology, vital category of SE/IT and JE/IT are not given due pay and status. Some of the SE(IT) are stagnated in same garde/pay level for 32 years.
b) After formation of IT cadre in the year 2004, only one cadre restructure has been done in the year 2017. For all other categories cadre restructuring has been done regularly on 10 years interval.
c) Percentage distribution 67:33 given on par with Technical Supervisors was implemented w.e.f April 2017, while it was implemented w.e.f. November 2013 for all other categories in Railways.
d) Similar staffing pattern with Grade Pay Rs.4600 and Grade Pay Rs.4800 for technical posts implemented for Railway Board IT cadre in the year 2011 was not implemented for IT cadres in Zone/Divisions/PUs/RDSO.
e) SE/IT were not covered in the Railway Board order letter RBE No 155/2022, dated 17.11.2022 for “Upgradation of pay structure of certain cadres”, even though committee constituted by Railway Board recommended 50% upgradation of posts from Level-7 to Level-8 for all supervisory cadres in level-7.
a) Staffing pattern and percentage distribution for SE/IT and JE/IT may please be done on par with Railway Board IT cadre implemented vide Railway Board vide its letter No:ERB-I/2011/25/4 dated 14.07.2011. Any further improvement given for Railway Board’s IT cadre may please be extended for SE/IT & JE/IT. (OR)
b) Percentage distribution and upgrading of 50% posts in Level 7 to Level 8 in Phase-1 and upgrading of 50% posts thereof from Level 8 to Level 9 as Non-Functional promotion after 4 years in Phase-2, phase-1 w.e.f. 1-12-2022 and phase-II after four years implemented for Technical Supervisors and other department supervisors may please be implemented for SE/IT & JE/IT. Any further improvement given for Technical Supervisors and other department supervisors may please be extended for SE/IT & JE/IT.
Thanking you, with regards,
Yours’ truly
General Secretary, IRTSA
Copy to — For kind information & Necessary Action:
1) Secretary & Chair Person (CRC) Room No.227, Railway Board, New Delhi-110001.
2) Additional Member (Staff), Room No.208, Railway Board, New Delhi-110001.
Source: IRTSA