Stepping up of pay of senior member of All India Service

Based on references received from various State Governments regarding anomalies in the pay of senior members of All India Services vis-a-vis pay of their juniors, DOPT has issued following Office Memorandum.

Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated: the 11th January, 2012

All Chief Secretaries,
in States / Union Territories.

Subject: Stepping up of pay of senior member of All India Service vis-a-vis pay of his junior in the cadre โ€” regarding.


I am directed to say that references from various State Governments regarding anomalies in the pay of senior members of All India Services vis-a-vis pay of their juniors in the cadre who have been promoted to the Service or to a higher grade in the Service subsequent to the seniors, have been engaging attention of this Department.


2. The matter has been examined with reference to the existing instructions of the Government on this subject and it is stated that such anomalies on account of fixation of pay on promotion, including the promotion from State service to All India Services, can be solved by stepping up the pay of the senior member of Service at par with the pay of the junior in the cadre from the date when the anomaly arose, subject to fulfilment of following conditions:

(i) Both junior and senior should belong to the same cadre both in lower and higher grade. In the case of anomaly in the pay of officers promoted from State service to IAS/IPS/IFS in a State cadre, both junior and senior should belong to same cadre in the State Service (lower grade).

(ii) Anomaly must have arisen as a result of fixation of pay either on promotion from one grade to another in IAS/IPS/IFS or on promotion from State service to IAS/IPS/IFS, as the case may be.

(iii) Posts in higher and lower grade must be identical and in lower grade senior must not be drawing less pay than junior for whatsoever reasons.

For example if the junior officer draws higher rate of pay than the senior in the lower post or State service post by virtue of advance increments or on any other account, the above provisions will not be invoked to step up the pay of the senior officer.

Yours faithfully
(Deepti Umashankar)
Director (Services)

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One Comment

  1. Anonymous said…

    This is a very very
    glad news many staff.
    Let me explain
    example comparing
    new entrant.
    I have appointed as a
    My basic on
    01-01-2006 โ€“ 6240 +
    2000 (As per
    While the new recruit
    being appointed with
    โ€“ 6460 +
    2000 (As
    per recommendation
    of 6th CPC)
    Why the anomaly is
    there ?
    Am i eligible
    for getting increment
    on 01.07.2006 ?
    Thanking You
    [email protected]

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