Revision of the Grade Pay of LDCs and UDCs

Revisionย of the Grade Pay of LDCs and UDCs – Administrative Staff Association writes to DOPT

Dear friends,
Iย amย posting a letter addressed to Shri K Suresh Kumar, Underย Secretary, CS II Section, DoPT returning the proposal for the upgradation of Grade pay of LDC and UDC on the ground given therein. This letter was not attached with the original documents while returningย the caseย to the Association by the CS II. Shri Bipin Kumar Pandey has obtained this letter through RTI and forwarded to me through e-mail.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  In para II it is stated that no anomaly item related to the upgradation of the grade pay of LDC and UDC is pending with theย Nationalย Anomaly Committee. The matter was discussed with Shri S.K. Vyas, who representing the Confederation in theย Nationalย Anomaly Committee. Shri Vyas has informed me that 11 additional items including item related to the LDC & UDC,ย have beenย admitted forย discussionย in theย Nationalย Anomaly Committee. Shri Vyas further said that theย assuranceย of taking up these items in the final meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was given to the Staff Side. But any initiative to conduct the final meeting of the NAC has not been come up from the side of the Government. Thus the statement given by the Deputyย Secretaryย (JCA) is not in match with the statement of Shri Vyas, Member NAC.

It is to be noted that in Para IV the Deputyย Secretaryย suggested the CS II to takeย up theย upgradation work of the Grade pay of LDC & UDC in consultation with the Department of Expenditure which itself speak the genuiness of the issue.

TKR Pillai
Generalย Secretary
Mob 09425372172


No 11/3/2013-JCA (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Personal, PG & Pensions
Department of Personal &ย Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 14th August, 2013
Office Memorandum

Sub: ย  ย Upgradation of Grade Pay of LDC and UDC in the Administrative branch of Government of India Offices.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  The undersigned is directed to refer to CS II ID No. 25/2/2013-CS. II (B) dated 13/08/2013 relating to PMO ID No. 4/3/2013-PMP4/67682 dated 15.07.2013 on the subject mentioned above.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  It is noted that the Generalย Secretaryย of All India Association of Administrative Staff (NG) has demandedrevisionย of Grade pay of LDCs and UDCs in the Administrative branch of Government of India. This is not an issue of anomaly and no such item was before theย Nationalย Anomaly Committee.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  In this regard it may be noted that the Sixth Central Pay Commission had recommended a hierarchicalstructureย andย revisedย pay scalesย for the Central Secretariat in Para 3.1.9 of its report. A similar recommendation in respect of Non-Secretariat Organization had been made in Para 3.1.14 of the report. Sixth CPC has granted parity in hierarchical structures andย revisedย pay scalesย to posts existing in the Central Secretariat and Non-Secretariat Organizations up to the level of Assistant. Accordingly, Sixth CPC granted identicalย revisedย pay structures to LDCs, UDCs andย Assistantsย both in Central Secretariat and Non-Secretariat Organizations.


ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Accordingly, the demand of the All India Association of Administrative Staff(NG) for theย revisionย of the Grade Pay of LDCs and UDCs in the Administrative branch of the Government of India is required to be considered by the CS II Division (which deals with the LDCs and UDCs of CSCS) in consultation with the Department of Expenditure who are the nodal Ministry in respect of ย CCS (Revisedย Pay) Rules, 2008. JCA Section has no role in this issue.

This reference in original is accordingly returned to CS-II Division for action as appropriate.

(Alok Kumar)
Deputyย Secretaryย (JCA)
Shri K. Suresh Kumar
Underย Secretary
CS-II Divisiion,
Lok Nayak Bhawan
New Delhi

Source: All India Association of Administrative Staff (Non-gazetted)

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