Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the employees of ESI

Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the employees of ESI Corporation for the year 2012-13

No. G-31/11/1/2005-E-III
Dated: 28/03/2014

Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus admissible for the employees of ESI Corporation โ€“ 2012-13 – regarding

Consequent upon approval of Ministry of Labour & Employment and in continuation of this Office Memorandum of even number dated 8.10.2003, the approval of the Competent Authority is hereby communicated for theย payment ofย Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equal to 60 (Sixty) days wagesย subjectย of Maximum of Rs.7000 (Rupees Seven thousand only) to the employees of the Corporation for the year 2012-13 as worked out on the basis of the exiting scheme of Productivity Linked Bonus.
Accordingly the advance already paid to the employees may be adjusted and no recovery is to effected and the undertaking be treated as null and void.
However, in case cl employees who have not been paid the advance, action may be initiated for allย payment of Productivity Linked Bonus ย (PLB) equal to 60 (Sixty) days wagesย subjectย to the maximum of Rs.7000/- (Rupees Seven Thousand Only) for the year 2012-13 as worked to the basis of the exiting scheme of Productivity Linked Bonus.
The other terms conditions governing the PLB shall remain the same.

Hindi version will follow.


Download ESI Order No. G-31/11/1/2005-E-III ย  dated 28.03.2014

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