Postal GDS Wage Hike and Arrears payable as per GDS Committee Report

Postal GDS Wage Hike and Arrears payable as per GDS Commitee Report approved by Govt – Minimum TRCA for 5 Hours / Level 2 will be Rs. 14,500/-. Likewise, Dak Sevaks in Level 2 gets Rs. 12,000 as TRCA for 5 hours
GDS are part time Employees in Postal Department who are engaged for limited time in a day from 3 hours to 5 Hours.
In line with constitution of 7th Pay Commission, Govt formed GDS Committee headed by Shri. Kamalesh Chandra in 2015, to look in to wage and other allowances of Gramin Dak Sevaks in Postal Department.
GDS Committee report sumitted its report in November 2016. Now, Govt has approved this GDS Committee report for revising wage and allowances of GDS Employees.
The Compensation System of GDS is called as TRCA ( Time related continutity Allowance) and their wage are based on number of working hours they are engaged in post offices.
Working hours, Revised TRCA, Equivalent Regular Cadre for Comparison, New Wage Matrix consisting of Stage wise Wage and Arrears Table:
GDS Committee recommended
Following working hours for GDSs only three wage scales instead of multiple wage scales in effect earlier
Work load of GDS Post Offices to be delinked from the determination of Wage Scale of Branch Post Masters (GDS)
Pay Committee did not consider the demand of GDS Unions that Wage of Branch Post Masters to be equal to regular Postal Assistants. It is observed by Committe that Wage and allowances of Branch Post Master under GDS category can only be compared with Postman. Also Assistant BPM and Dak Sevak (DS) are treated at par with MTS Employees as far as Revision of Wage by GDS pay committee is concerned
Revised Wages and Arrears as recommeded by GDS Committee report are as follows
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