Payment of incentive on PLI and RPLI business procured by IPs and ASPs – DOP

Payment of incentive on PLI and RPLI business procured by IPs and ASPs for the entire period upto 31.01.2021 – Department of Posts Order dated 22.03.2021
F.No. 18-04/2020-LI (Pt 3)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance)
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021
Dated: 22.03.2021
All Head of Circles
Subject: Payment of incentive on PLI and RPLI business procured by IPs and ASPs- regarding.]
Ref: PLI Directorate letter F.No. 18-04 / 2020- LI (Pt 3) dated 19.03.2021.
Kind reference is invited to PLI Directorate letter of even no dated 19.03.2021, vide which approval of the competent authority was conveyed for payment of the pending incentive liability to all categories of sales force for PLI and RPLI business procured upto 31.01.2021.
2. In this connection, it is clarified that the word “all categories of sales force of PLI and RPLI” mentioned in para 3 of ibid letter dated 19.03.2021 includes Inspector Posts (IPs) and Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPs).
3. Circles are, therefore, requested to clear the pending incentive liability on PLI and RPLI business procured by IPs and ASPs for the entire period upto 31.01.2021 (including the period 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2020), The payment of incentive to IPs and ASPs may be made from major head MH 8016 under head of accounts as mentioned in letter dated 19.03.2021.
4. Circles are again kindly requested to make pending incentive payment to all categories of sales force of PLI and RPLI including IPs and ASPs by 30th March, 2021 and send a compliance report to PLI Directorate on 31st March, 202) for information of the competent authority.
5. It is reiterated that the pending incentive liability for PLI and RPLI business Procured upto 91.01.2021 must be paid by 30! March 2021. Under no circumstances, the pending incentive liability of all categories of sales force of PLI and RPLI shall be carried forward to next financial year FY 2021-22.
6. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.
(Shiv Kumar)
Assistant Director (PLI)
Source: Department of Posts