Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL absorbed employees – Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale

Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL absorbed employees – Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale: DOT OM dated 20.02.2023
Government of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Telecommunications
513, Sanchar Bhawan, 20,
Ashoka Road, New Delhi
Dated: 20th February 2023
Subject : Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL absorbed employees- Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale-reg.
This refers to DoT orders of even number dated 05.07.2017 and 17.05.2018 on the above mentioned subject. (Copies enclosed)
2. The issue regarding settlement of pension cases of BSNL absorbed employees retiring during the intervening period i.e. 05.07.2017 and 17.05.2018 was under consideration of this department and it has now been decided that the benefit of DoT order No. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt.) dated 17.05.2018 may also be extended to absorbed BSNL employees who have retired between 05.07.2017 and 17.05.2018, subject to the conditions as mentioned in DoT order dated 17.05.2018, that pensionary benefits shall be settled after obtaining an undertaking that in the event the court orders are in favour of DoT, they would refund the over paid amount, due to grant of an extra increment on their post based promotion under EPP. In case of refusal to give the undertaking for refund of the over-paid amount, the order No. 40-12/2004-Pen(T)(Pt.) dated 05.07.2017 is to be implemented in such cases.
3. All Pr.CCA/CCA offices may take immediate necessary action to settle the pensionary benefits accordingly in respect of employees retired between 05.07.2017 and 17.05.2018.
4. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Leena George)
Under Secretary to Govt. of India
- DDG(A/cs), DoT HQ, New Delhi
Copy to,
- PSO to Secretary (T)
- PSO to Member (F)/Member(S)
- PPS to AS(T)
No. 40-12/2004-Pen (T) (Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road
New Delhi, Dated :5th July, 2017.
Subject: Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL employees — Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale — reg.
P&T Audit team while reviewing the accounts of Pr.CCA Delhi, raised an Audit para in relation to the Executive Promotion Policy (EPP) of BSNL. It has been observed that time bound promotion to executives of BSNL has given advantage of double fixation of pay, i.e., one at the time of time bound upgradation and another at the time of regural promotion to the same scale. This is contrary to the provisions of similar scheme of MACP for Government employees under which fixation benefit is available at the time of financial upgradation while there is no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion to the same upgraded post.
2. The matter has been examined ‘a consultation with Finance Branch of DoT and following have been decided:
(1) Para I. (v) of BSNL O.M. No. 400-61/2004-Pers.1 dated 18th January, 2007 regarding grant of an extra increment on post based promotion under EPP stands rescinded.
(2) For serving employees, BSNL will revise the pay fixations to bring them in line with the Government rules and in such manner as to ensure that no additional pensionary liability arises for the Government when these officers retire. Recoveries from the employees on this account may be decided by BSNL.
(3) Cases of existing pensioners shall not be reopened and BSNL shall make good the additional burden on the exchequer on this account.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (T).
(K S Dahiya)
Under Secretary (STP)
The Chairman cum Managing Director
BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Janpath, New Delhi-1 10 001.
No.40-12/2004-Pen (T)(pt) pO
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan, 20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi.
Dated : 17th May, 2018.
Subject : Pay fixation matters relating to BSNL absorbed employees — Issue of increment on regular promotion to a scale.
This refers DoT order of even number dated 05.07.2017 on the above mentioned subject. The said order is under various stages of litigation in some courts.
2. Accordingly, the implementation of the said order has been reviewed and it has been decided to process pension cases of absorbed BSNL executives, who are immediately retiring or retiring within the ensuing months, ignoring DoT order No. 40-12/2004-Pen (T)(pt) dated 05.07.2017 after obtaining an undertaking from the retiring executives that in the event the court orders are in favour of DoT, they would refund the over-paid amount due to grant of an extra increment on their post based promotion under EPP. In case of refusal to give undertaking for refund of the over-paid amount, the order No. 40-12/2004-Pen (T)(pt) dated 05.07.2017 is to be implemented in such cases.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (T).
(K S Dahiya)
Under Secretary (STP)
- DDG (A/cs), DoT (Hars), New Delhi.
- All CCAs
Copy to:
The Chairman cum Managing Director
BSNL, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001.
Source: Department of Telecommunications