Higher Grade Pay for RPF/RPSF Drivers

Grant of higher grade pay of Rs. 2000/- to Drivers Gr.Ill (Constable) of RPF/ RPSF – Railway Board – RBE No. 151/2019
PC-VI No.398
RBE No. 151/2019
New Delhi, dated: 20.09.2019
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways & Production Units
(as per mailing list)
Sub: Grant of higher grade pay of Rs. 2000/- to Drivers Gr.Ill (Constable) of RPF/ RPSF.
Ref: 1. Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2008/1/5/8 dated 03.07.2013 (RBE No. 62/2013).
2. Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2010/ 1/5/ l dated 10.04.2018 (RBE No. 56/2018).
3. Board’s letter No. 2013/Sec(E)/PA-2/12 (CC) dated 03.11.2017 to Chief Security Commissioner/ RPF/ Western Railway (copy enclosed).
Vide Board’s letter dated 10.04.2018 (RBE No.56/2018) higher grade pay of Rs. 2000/ was made applicable to all the Drivers Gr. III (Constable) of RPF/RPSF only who are similarly placed as compared to the petitioners in W.P. No. 15763/2013.
2. In this connection, a reference was received seeking clarification as to whether direct recruited Driver Gr.III of RPF/RPSF (who were enlisted in service as Driver Gr. III on 15.07.2010 in the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 1900/-) are to be treated at par with the petitioners of Writ Petition No . 15763/2013 (Shri Valibhai Y Darvodiya & 17 Ors Vs CSC/ RPF, CCG/Mumbai and DG/RPF) for the purpose of granting higher grade pay of Rs. 2000/-.
3. The matter has been examined in depth and it is accordingly clarified that all the Drivers Gr.Ill of RPF /RPSF are to be considered similarly situated as the petitioners in W.P. No. 15763/2013 for grant of higher grade pay of Rs. 2000/-
4. Further, the recruitment at the revised upgraded pay in future will be made after duly incorporating the revised pay in the relevant Recruitment Rules.
5. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of this Ministry.
Sd/-(U.K. Tiwari)
Jt. Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
No. 2013/Sec (E)/PA-2/ 12 (CC)
New Delhi, Dated 03.11.2017
Chief Security Commissioner/RPF,
Western Railway,
Sub: Special Civil Application No. 15763 of 2013 filed by Shri Valibhai Darvodiya & 17 others.
Ref: Addl.CSC/WR’s letter No. SFE 64/2176 dated 14.02.2017.
The matter regarding implementation of the order dated 12.07 .201 6 passed by Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat at Ahmadabad in Special Civil Application No . 1 5763 of 2013 filed by Shri Valibhai Darvodiya and 17 other Driver Grade -Ill of RPF was referred to Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), Govt. of India. The Ministry of Finance (Dept. of Expenditure) having gone through the proposal has agreed to implement the above order dated 12.07.2016 (Copy enclosed).
In view of the above, the Railway is advised to implement the Honble Court’s directions as in para 8 of the judgment dated 12.07.2016 in SCA No. 15763/2013 in favour of petitioners in the above case in personam. The local order in this regard needs to be framed carefully making it clear that it is an in-personam order for the petitioners who were party in above Civil Application only.
This issues in- consultation with Pay Commission and Finance Directorates.
(Renu P. Chhibber)
Railway Board
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Grant of higher grade pay of Rs.2000/- to Drivers Gr.III (Constable) of RPF/RPSF