Fixation of Pay on Non-Functional Upgradation

Entry pay of Direct Recruits in Defence Service appointed on or after 01/01/2006

Fixation of pay on Non-Functional Upgradation from Level-8 to Level-10 with effect from 08.03.2018

Fixation of pay on Non-Functional Upgradation from Level-8 to Level-10 with effect from 08.03.2018 and thereafter with effect from 1st January and 1st July of subsequent years (applicable for Non-Accounts Department Officers)

1. Level in the revised pay structure : Level 8
2. Basic Pay in Level-8 : 55200
3. Granted Non-Functional Upgradation in Level โ€“ 10
4. Pay after giving one increment in Level 8 : 56900
5. Pay in the upgraded Level i.e. Level 10 : 57800 (either equal to or next higher to 56900 in Level โ€“ 10)


Pay Band 9300-34800 15600-39100
Grade Pay 4800 5400 5400
Levels 8 9 10
1 47600 53100 56100
2 49000 54700 57800
3 50500 56300 59500
4 52000 58000 61300
5 53600 59700 63100
6 55200 61500 65000
7 56900 63300 67000
8 58600 65200 69000


Fixation of pay on Non-Functional Upgradation from Level-9 to Level-10 with effect from 08.03.2018 and thereafter with effect from 1st January and 1st July of subsequent years (applicable for Non-Accounts Department Officers)

1. Level in the revised pay structure : Level 9
2. Basic Pay in Level- 9 : 59700
3. Granted Non-Functional Upgradation in Level โ€“ 10
4. Pay after giving one increment in Level 9 : 61500
5. Pay in the upgraded Level i.e. Level 10 : 63100 (either equal to or next higher to 61500 in Level โ€“ 10)
Pay Band 9300-34800 15600-39100
Grade Pay 4800 5400 5400
Levels 8 9 10
1 47600 53100 56100
2 49000 54700 57800
3 50500 56300 59500
4 52000 58000 61300
5 53600 59700 63100
6 55200 61500 65000
7 56900 63300 67000
8 58600 65200 69000


Fixation of pay on Non-Functional Upgradation from Level-8 to Level-10 in respect of Officials officiating in Sr.Scale (Level-11) prior to Grant of NFU : Representative Illustrations

No. Details Date Pay fixed in the Scale / Level GP / Level
1 Date of promotion to group โ€˜Bโ€™ 08.03.2014 25730 GP โ€“ 4800
2 Pay as on 01.01.16 (in 6thย CPC) 01.01.2016 27310 GP โ€“ 4800
3 Pay on fixation in 7thย CPC 01.01.2016 72100 Level 8
4 Date of promotion to adhoc Sr. Scale* 09.03.2017 78500 Level 11
5 Notional pay as on 01.01.2018 had the officer not been promoted to adhoc Sr. Scale & continued in Level โ€“ 8 01.01.2018 76500 Level 8
6 Pay due to grant of NFU in Level โ€“ 10 on 08.03.2018 based on (5) above (Actual Pay) 08.03.2018 80000 Level 10
7 Pay on refixation in Sr. Scale (in Level โ€“ 11) after grant of NFU w.e.f 08.03.2018 08.03.2018 80900 Level 11


*While fixing the pay in Senior Scale promotional benefit has been as admissible.

** On grant of NFU w.e.f.08.03.2018, pay of the employees shall notionally be fixed in Level-10 at Rs.80000, thereafter the pay in Level-11 will be fixed at 80,900 in Level-11. The provisions of FR 22 (I)(a)(i) ie. Rule 1313(I)(a)(i) of IREC Vol.II would continue to be applicable on grant of NFU.

** In respect of Accounts Department Officers, similar procedure may be followed for fixation of Pay on grant of Non functional Upgradation from Level-9 to Level-10 in respect of officials officiating in Sr.Scale (Level-11) prior to grant of NFU.

*** If the employee in this illustrations is drawing more pay than that computed due to fixation at Rs.80900, the higher pay of that employee in such circumstances shall be protected as โ€œPersonal Payโ€ till the date it is adjusted by the next increment.