Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same Grade pay

Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same Grade pay – Confederation of Central Government Employees addresses to Govt to issue orders in this issue immediately

The Secretary General of Confederation of Central Government Employees has addressed to Ministry of Finance on the issue of Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same Grade pay.

It was agreed in the last National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17th July, 2012 that in cases where promotion to a post carrying the same grade pay, benefit of one increment would be considered subject to the condition that the promotional post carries higher duties and responsibilities under FR 22 and fixation benefit under FR 22 (1)(a)(i) was available prior to the implementation of the 6th CPC report and the merger of the two grades was not on functional considerations.

Check here for minutes of anomaly committee meeting held on 17.07.2012ย 

ย However, formal orders in this issue is yet to be issued by the Government.

D/16/2012 Dated: 10th November, 2012.


The Secretary,

Department of Expenditure,

Ministry of Finance,

Government of India,

North Block

New Delhi. 110 001

Dear Sir,

Sub: ย Fixation of pay on promotion to a post carrying the same Grade pay.

It was agreed in the last National Anomaly Committee meeting held on 17th July, 2012 (as could be seen from the minutes issued in this regard) that in cases where promotion to a post carrying the same grade pay, benefit of one increment would be considered subject to the condition that the promotional post carries higher duties and responsibilities under FR 22 and fixation benefit under FR 22 (1)(a)(i) was available prior to the implementation of the 6th CPC report and the merger of the two grades was not on functional considerations. ย However, in implementation of this agreement, no formal orders were issued so far.

We, therefore, request that necessary instruction may kindly be caused to be issued to grant one increment benefit to all those employees who are promoted where the feeder cadre and the promotion cadre carry the same grade pay, provided the promotional grade is declared to be a post carrying higher responsibilities. ย All those who were promoted during the period between 1.1.2006 and the date of issue of the instruction may also be covered by the said instruction specifically.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General.


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  1. Honored Sir/Madam, Kindly enlighten me on the latest status about sanction of one increment on promotion from lower cadre post to that of one higher cadre post and on assumption of higher duties and responsibilities as enumerated in the GoI/Ministry of Finance Circular/OM No: 169/2/2000-IC dated 24-11-2000. . In spite of several representations/emails, either in the old ACP/ new MACP no increment sanctioned by the Railway Board so far.. Kindly do the needful. with Regards. Vikrala Seshadri.

  2. sanction/grant of one increment on promotion from lower cadre post to that of higher cadre post in the same scale of pay/ACP- kindly enlighten me on this issue and in reference to GOI/Ministry of Finance Office Memorandum No. 169/2/2000 dated 24-11-2000. With Regards. Vikrala Seshadri. [email protected].

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