Extension of higher pay scale to Sr. Auditors/Sr. Accountants and Accounts Assistant (Railways) at par with Assistants of CSS – Board of Arbitration Award

Financial implication in respect of extension of higher pay scale to Sr. Auditors etc.- Implementation of Board of Arbitration Award (CA No. 3/2001) regarding higher pay scales to Sr. Auditors/Accountants in Organised Accounts: FinMin OM
No. 16007/1/2023-NGE-CGA/961
NEW DELHI-110023
. e-mail [email protected]
Dated: the 06 December, 2023
Subject: Financial implication in respect of extension of higher pay scale to Sr. Auditors etc.-Implementation of Board of Arbitration Award (CA No. 3/2001) regarding higher pay scales to Sr. Auditors/Accountants in Organised Accounts.
Reference is invited to Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance O.M. No.6(82)/ E.IIIB/2010-Vol.II-Pt.-I dated 30.10.2023 (copy enclosed) vide which it has been informed that Board of Arbitration delivered an award CA No. 3/2001 on 24.08.2004 under JCM for grant of upgraded pay scale of Sr. Auditors/Sr. Accountants and Accounts Assistant (Railways) at par with Assistants of CSS i.e. Rs. 1640-2900 w.e.f. 01.01.1986 and Rs 5500-9000 w.e.f 01.01.1996. Further it has been stated that the upgraded scale is to be given notionally w.e.f. 01.01.1986 and actually from 12.11.2001 which is the date of reference of the dispute to the Board of Arbitration.
2. In this regard, DoE has requested to work out the financial implications in implementing the above arbitration award and provided the same to the Department immediately for onward transmission to DoP&T.
3. Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs of the Ministries/Departments concerned are requested to provide the requisite information in the prescribed format latest by 15.12.2023, if any. In case of ‘NIL’ information, the same may also be furnished to this office.
SNo. | Name of the official with Designation affected in such case. | Financial implication in implementing the arbitration award. |
4. This may be treated as “MOST IMMEDIATE”.
This issues with approval of the Competent Authority.
(Madhukar Sharma)
Senior Accounts Officer (HR-4)
F.No. 6(82)/E.11B/2010-Vol.II-Pt.I
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E. III B Branch
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated: 30th October, 2023.
To . , .
(i) The Assistant Comptroller and Auditor (N),
Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India,
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
New Delhi
(ii) Additional Financial Advisor (RS) & JS
Room No. 131 A, South Block,
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi
(iii) The Joint Director/Pay Commission-II
Railway Board,
Ministry of Railways,
New Delhi
(iv) The Senior Accounts Officer,
Controller General of Accounts,
New Delhi.
Subject: Financial implication in respect of extension of higher pay scale to Sr. Auditors etc. — Implementation of Board of Arbitration Award (CA No.3/200%) regarding higher pay scaies to or. Auditors/Accountants in Organised Accounts.
I am directed to Say that the Board of Arbitration delivered an award CA No. 3/2001 on 24.08.2004 under JCM for grant of upgraded pay scale to Sr. Auditors/Sr. Accountants and Accounts Assistant (Railways) at par with Assistants of CSS ie. Rs. 1640-2900 wef. 01.01.1986 and Rs. 5500-9000 w.e.f. 01.01.1996. It was mentioned therein that the upgraded scale is to be given notionally w.e.f. 01.01.1986 and actually from 12.11.2001 which is the date of reference of the dispute to the Board of Arbitration.
2. It is therefore requested -that the financial implications in implementing the above arbitration award may please be worked out and provided to this Department immediately for Onward transmission to the Department of Personnel & Training.
3. This may be treated as ‘MOST IMMEDIATE.
(Kavitha Panicker)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph. 23095724
Source: CGA