CGA: Submission of claims by suppliers/ vendors through e-mail from 26.03.2020 to 31.03.2020

Submission of claims by suppliers/ vendors through e-mail during the period from 26.03.2020 to 31.03.2020 due to lockdown to prevent spread of COVID 19
No. 3(1)/2020/TA-II/170
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Dated: 26.03.2020
Subject: Submission of claims by suppliers/ vendors through e-mail during the period from 26.03.2020 to 31st March, 2020 due to lockdown to prevent spread of COVID 19.
It has been brought to the notice of this office that due to spread of COVID-19 in the country; suppliers/ vendors are not able to submit original physical claim (invoice etc.) in support of supplies services rendered by them, resulting in non-payment of their claims.
2. In order to avoid any hardship to the suppliers/ vendors and ensure timely settlement of their claims it has been decided that during the period upto March. 2020 suppliers/ vendors may submit their claims to the concerned Departmental Officers (DDOs) official via e-mail. DDO will authenticate this copy of the claim submitted by vendor on e-mail under his signature and affix a certificate on the body of the bin to the effect that this is the first payment against the claim authenticated by him. In no circumstances this claim will be presented in future The original claim will be submitted for post check and record of the FAO as early as possible in support of the payment claimed through this copy_ DDO after conducting all necessary checks and following the due processes will prepare and submit bill with authenticated copy of claim to the concerned Pay & Accounts Officer for his examination and payment
3. All the payments made under above provisions shall be subject to 100% Post—check by the concerned Pay & Accounts Officer and effect any recovery/ adjustment if required.
4. Codal provisions are being amended, as necessary, separately.
This issues with the approval of Secretary (Exp), Govt. of India.
(A. K. Singh)
Deputy Controller General of Accounts.
1. Ali Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs (I/C) of Ministries/ Departments of Government India
2. All HOOs/ HOOs of Ministries/ Departments of Government of India.
3. Office copy/ website of CGA
Copy to:
1. PPS to Secretary (Expenditure), Government of India.
Source: CGA
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Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID 19 – Instructions by Ministry of Labour
Preventive measures to achieve ‘social distancing’ to contain the spread of COVID 19 – DOPT
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